Spirituality: Set the World Ablaze

Divine Mercy Sunday
April 3, 2016
Acts 5:12-16; Psalm 118; Revelation 1:9-13, 17-19; John
Thomas joins the other Disciples in
the Upper Room because the others told him, “We have seen the Lord.” Naturally,
Thomas protests because he wants empirical evidence that Jesus is alive and is
not just a dream or a hallucination. He saw him die and he knows Jesus did not survive
this brutal form of crucifixion and no one has ever come back from the dead. Any
sane person would want proof for this preposterous claim that Jesus is alive
and is visiting his friends. Give me the proof, Thomas demands. Show me the
marks on his hands and his side.
When Thomas meets the Risen Jesus,
he crumbles with his demands. He no longer seeks proof because he sees the
wounds and feels the pain of the suffering humanity of Jesus. No one can stand
in front of a man who has been brutally crucified and not feel the anguish of
those marks. He does not need to touch the wounds; just seeing them is enough
to bring a visceral reaction. The mercy we show someone who is suffering
connects us closer to the person.
I wonder what Thomas preached when
he told others about Jesus. I’m sure he mentioned the miracles, healings, and
teachings of the earthly ministry of Jesus, but I would venture to say that
those wounds left an indelible mark on his consciousness, that he preached
about the wounds Jesus still carries from the cross. Thomas would probably be
one of the great advocates for those who come to belief without seeing the
Risen Lord with their own eyes. The testimony of others is enough. One’s
personal prayer is sufficient. But for Thomas, he was bound closer to Jesus
because he gazed upon those holy wounds.
Many adults willingly entered into
the Catholic faith this Easter. What is their faith all about? It is not
because these neophytes were strong, clever, or accomplished in their spiritual
lives, but because they were vulnerable enough to explore their questions. Many
times persons have a jarring emotional experience that jostles their spiritual
life and deeper faith is often borne out of holding the pain before our eye and
asking, “Why do you haunt us?” One’s response to this suffering shapes the way
our faith grows. Suffering prunes us and makes us reassess what we value. If we
feel a response of mercy, then our faith life deepens and we find greater
meaning in the fractured parts of our world, and we see that mercy connects us
and keeps us whole.
Jesus still bears many wounds today
as the crucified peoples of the world lead shattered lives. Nearly every person
suffers invisibly and the wounds of Jesus remain unhealed while our suffering
continues. The world remains broken and in need of someone to touch our
suffering. This is the call of Divine Mercy to the church. It is our time to be
like Thomas, that is, it is our time to reach into the wounds of another person
and be that healing presence. We have to bandage, apply ointment, provide a
balm, and comfort those in pain. We have to sit and listen and hold and
honor the experience of another person. It may lead us to a place where we are
suspended on the cross with Jesus, writhing in pain for another person,
powerless to cause any real change, but we allows ourselves to be crucified in
solidarity with them so they know they are not alone. Mercy heals. Mercy is
miraculous. Mercy is our greatest expression of faith. Mercy has to be the good
news we bring to others.
Dear friends, stretch out your
hands. Let us see your wounds. We know the marks run deep and have been open
for a long time. Would you let us touch your wounds? Together, we put our lives
in the healing, wounded hands of Jesus Christ.
Scripture for Daily Mass
(Acts 4) Peter and John return to their people after being released from the
religious authorities. They prayed about their ordeal and the whole house shook
and all were filled wit the Holy Spirit.
(Acts 4) The community of believers was of one heart and mind and together they
bore witness to the Resurrection. Joseph, called Barnabas, sold a property and
give money to the Apostles.
(Acts 5) The high priest with the Sadducees jailed the Apostles but during the
night the Lord opened the prison doors and the Apostles returned to the Temple
area to preach.
(Acts 5) The Apostles were brought forth again during their arrest and they
were reminded that they were forbidden to preach. Peter said on behalf of the
Apostles that they are to obey God, and not men.
(Acts 5) Gamaliel, the Pharisee, urges wisdom for the Sanhedrin declaring that
if this is of God, it cannot be stopped, but if it is of men, it will certainly
die out .
(Acts 6) The number of disciples grew. The Hellenists complained to the Hebrews
that their widows were being neglected. The Twelve decided it was right to
select seven reputable men (deacons) to take care of the daily distribution
while they continued with prayer and the ministry of the word. Meanwhile the
number of disciples in Jerusalem increased greatly. Even a large group of
priests were becoming obedient to the faith.
(John 3) Nicodemus, a Pharisee, a ruler of the Jews comes to Jesus wondering
about where he is able to do the great miracles and teachings. He tries to
(John 3) Jesus answered Nicodemus saying, “you must be born from above” to
accept this testimony.
(John 3) God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but that the
world might be saved through him.
(John 3) Jesus explains that he was come from above and speaks of the things
that are from above. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life.
(John 6) Near a Passover feast, Jesus miraculously feeds the hungry crowds as a
good shepherd would. He reminds the people that the actions in his earthly life
were precursors of the meal that they are to share. They are to eat his body
and drink his blood.
(John 6) Jesus then departs to the other side of the sea. When a storm picks
up, he walks on the turbulent waves and instructs them not to be afraid. He is
with them. He has power over the natural and supernatural world.
Saints of the Week
No saints are on
the calendar this week because it is typically Holy Week or Easter.
This Week in Jesuit History
Apr 3, 1583. The death of Jeronimo Nadal, one of
the original companions of Ignatius who later entrusted him with publishing and
distributing the Jesuit Constitutions to the various regions of the early
Apr 4, 1534. Peter Faber (Pierre Favre) ordained a deacon in Paris.
Apr 5, 1635. The death of Louis Lallemant,
writer and spiritual teacher.
Apr 6, 1850. The first edition of La Civilta Cattolica appeared. It was
the first journal of the restored Society.
Apr 7, 1541. Ignatius was unanimously elected
general, but he declined to accept the results.
Apr 8, 1762. The French Parliament issued a
decree of expulsion of the Jesuits from all their colleges and houses.
Apr 9, 1615. The death of William Weston,
minister to persecuted Catholics in England and later an author who wrote about
his interior life during that period.
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