This afternoon, seventy priests, brothers, and scholastics from the California and Oregon provinces assembled in Los Altos, California to begin an 8-day individually directed retreat. Nineteen retreat directors gathered to guide them in their prayer journeys.
We celebrated the vigil of the feast of Ignatius of Loyola with a reception, a hearty meal, and holy liturgy. Bishop Gordon Bennett presided. The singing was robust.
Though the retreat is individually directed archbishop-emeritus of San Francisco, George Niederauer provides points for the retreatants. He is a gentle soul with a sparkle in his eye. He loves being in the presence of so many Jesuit colleagues and friends.
It is quite a privilege to be in the midst of such a gathering. The power of prayer is immense and it is easy to tell that so many good men are praying for the people of God they meet in their apostolates.
This year I am especially thankful to Ignatius for his consolation during my recent hospitalization. I simply asked him to hold me as I prepared for surgery and to console me as I healed. He did a very fine job. I asked other Jesuits to minister to me as well - Peter Faber, Francis Xavier, and Pedro Arrupe - as well as other deceased Jesuits. I also knew I had my living Jesuits and our colleagues praying for me.
This is my feast to give thanks back to everyone in prayer. I'm grateful to be alive and my spirit is light because of all the goodness I received. Thanks everyone. Let's enjoy a meaningful feast day together.
John Predmore, S.J., is a USA East Province Jesuit and was the pastor of Jordan's English language parish. He teaches art and directs BC High's adult spiritual formation programs. Formerly a retreat director in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Ignatian Spirituality is given through guided meditations, weekend-, 8-day, and 30-day Retreats based on The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Ignatian Spirituality serves the contemporary world as people strive to develop a friendship with God.
Daily Email
Friday, July 31, 2015
Spirituality: Pedro Arrupe, S.J.
A man or woman for others. Does this not contradict the very nature of the human person? Are we not each a "being-for-ourselves?" Gifted with intelligence that endows us with power, do we not tend to control the world, making ourselves its center? Is this not our vocation, our history?
Yes; gifted with conscience, intelligence and power each of us is indeed a center. But a center called to go out of ourselves, to give ourselves to others in love - love, which is our definitive and all-embracing dimension, that which gives meaning to all our other dimensions. Only the one who loves fully realizes himself or herself as a person. To the extent that any of us shuts ourselves off from others we do not become more a person; we become less.
Anyone who lives only for his or her own interests not only provides nothing for others, he or she does worse. They tend to accumulate in exclusive fashion more and more knowledge, more and more power, more and more wealth; thus denying, inevitably to those weaker than themselves, their proper share of the God-given means for human development.
Yes; gifted with conscience, intelligence and power each of us is indeed a center. But a center called to go out of ourselves, to give ourselves to others in love - love, which is our definitive and all-embracing dimension, that which gives meaning to all our other dimensions. Only the one who loves fully realizes himself or herself as a person. To the extent that any of us shuts ourselves off from others we do not become more a person; we become less.
Anyone who lives only for his or her own interests not only provides nothing for others, he or she does worse. They tend to accumulate in exclusive fashion more and more knowledge, more and more power, more and more wealth; thus denying, inevitably to those weaker than themselves, their proper share of the God-given means for human development.
Ignacio de Loyola
"Tomad, Señor, y recibid toda mi libertad, mi memoria, mi entendimiento y toda mi voluntad, todo mi haber y mi poseer, Vos me lo disteis, a Vos, Señor, lo torno. Todo es vuestro. Disponed a toda vuestra voluntad, dadme vuestro amor y gracia que ésta me basta".
San Ignacio de Loyola, fundador de la Compañía de Jesús, es un santo carismático. Una figura que sigue siendo muy actual en su itinerario, en su espiritualidad y en su forma de entender el mundo.
Su Biografía es fascinante. Arranca con sus primeros pasos en las cortes castellanas, y una vida de soldado que se truncó por la herida de una bala. Durante su convalecencia empieza a descubrir a Dios, y esto le lleva a una vida itinerante, como peregrino, tratando de encontrar la voluntad de Dios para su vida. Manresa, Jerusalén, Barcelona, Alcalá, Salamanca… son etapas de un largo itinerario que le llevará a París. Allí conoce a Javier y Fabro, y más tarde a otros compañeros a los que contagiará de su pasión por Dios y su proyecto. Juntos siguen caminando, en un recorrido que les llevará a Roma, donde se convierten, con la bendición de Pablo III, en Compañía de Jesús. Los últimos veinte años de su vida los pasará Ignacio en Roma, como primer prepósito General de la orden.
San Ignacio de Loyola, fundador de la Compañía de Jesús, es un santo carismático. Una figura que sigue siendo muy actual en su itinerario, en su espiritualidad y en su forma de entender el mundo.
Su Biografía es fascinante. Arranca con sus primeros pasos en las cortes castellanas, y una vida de soldado que se truncó por la herida de una bala. Durante su convalecencia empieza a descubrir a Dios, y esto le lleva a una vida itinerante, como peregrino, tratando de encontrar la voluntad de Dios para su vida. Manresa, Jerusalén, Barcelona, Alcalá, Salamanca… son etapas de un largo itinerario que le llevará a París. Allí conoce a Javier y Fabro, y más tarde a otros compañeros a los que contagiará de su pasión por Dios y su proyecto. Juntos siguen caminando, en un recorrido que les llevará a Roma, donde se convierten, con la bendición de Pablo III, en Compañía de Jesús. Los últimos veinte años de su vida los pasará Ignacio en Roma, como primer prepósito General de la orden.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Spirituality: Paul Locatelli, S.J.
The virtue of solidarity is not a private feeling of empathy or friendship with people whom we know well or the poor person we happen to meet on our life's journey ... It realizes that the quality of our lives is intrinsically linked with the quality of the lives of others.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Martha, James, and the Grandparents
I completely relate to the person of Martha, who is the model of hospitality and fidelity in discipleship. I realize that her sister's contemplative disposition is quite necessary for a developing prayer life, but Jesuits are contemplatives in action. Therefore, we actively have to bring Christ to others, or to the very least, receive him. Martha always struck me as a woman who cares about herself and the contours of her environment. I can imagine her house to be tidy and organized. She is adept in the kitchen as she prepares hummus, foul (beans), and tasty meat dishes for Jesus and their friends. She seemed accomplished in daily activities management.
He is also the one who goes out to meet Jesus and to confess her belief in him as the Christ, the Son of God. It is one thing to recognize and know something about someone; it is quite another thing to publicly declare it. I admire her courage and fortitude. It proves that she trusted in Jesus as the one with power to give new life.
I was in transit on the feast of James. My 1996 visit to Spain helped me be in awe of him. I was stunned that I was visiting a place where a man, a disciple, who actually knew Jesus once lived (according to tradition.) He is held in great reverence in Spain, especially as one who interceded, along with Jesus' mom, to stop the Islamic invasion of northern Spain. He has reverence in Compostela (land's end in the west) and Zaragosa (east) and points in between.
One day I want to walk the Camino with its terminus at Compostela and Land's End. I'm heartened that so many pilgrims encountered St. James at the end of their journey. Words cannot capture the feeling of being in Compostela, which is so steeped in Catholic tradition. It is one of the most revered spots in Catholicism throughout the centuries.
Different traditions exist around St. James. Whatever the truth, one comes in contact with the reality of a real disciple who was a friend of Jesus, whether it is true or not. He holds a special place in my consciousness as he desired to travel to the ends of the earth to tell others about the Resurrection of Jesus.
I also missed writing about the feasts of Joachim and Ann, the maternal grandparents of Jesus. Wait. Jesus must have had paternal grandparents too.
I only knew one of my four grandparents, my grandma Maria. I am named after my grandfathers, John and Alfred, but I never saw them because they died before I was born. My paternal grandmother also died early.
As I mature, I see the great importance of grandparents in the lives of their families. Some give up all they have to move closer to their grandchildren. Others are skyping daily to gaze upon newborns. All I know is that lots of love flows from grandparents to their families. They seem to be the happiest people.
I wish I knew mine better. I would probably relate to Joachim and Ann stronger if I had a sense of extended biological family. Anyways, my grandfathers live on in my name.
He is also the one who goes out to meet Jesus and to confess her belief in him as the Christ, the Son of God. It is one thing to recognize and know something about someone; it is quite another thing to publicly declare it. I admire her courage and fortitude. It proves that she trusted in Jesus as the one with power to give new life.
I was in transit on the feast of James. My 1996 visit to Spain helped me be in awe of him. I was stunned that I was visiting a place where a man, a disciple, who actually knew Jesus once lived (according to tradition.) He is held in great reverence in Spain, especially as one who interceded, along with Jesus' mom, to stop the Islamic invasion of northern Spain. He has reverence in Compostela (land's end in the west) and Zaragosa (east) and points in between.
One day I want to walk the Camino with its terminus at Compostela and Land's End. I'm heartened that so many pilgrims encountered St. James at the end of their journey. Words cannot capture the feeling of being in Compostela, which is so steeped in Catholic tradition. It is one of the most revered spots in Catholicism throughout the centuries.
Different traditions exist around St. James. Whatever the truth, one comes in contact with the reality of a real disciple who was a friend of Jesus, whether it is true or not. He holds a special place in my consciousness as he desired to travel to the ends of the earth to tell others about the Resurrection of Jesus.
I also missed writing about the feasts of Joachim and Ann, the maternal grandparents of Jesus. Wait. Jesus must have had paternal grandparents too.
I only knew one of my four grandparents, my grandma Maria. I am named after my grandfathers, John and Alfred, but I never saw them because they died before I was born. My paternal grandmother also died early.
As I mature, I see the great importance of grandparents in the lives of their families. Some give up all they have to move closer to their grandchildren. Others are skyping daily to gaze upon newborns. All I know is that lots of love flows from grandparents to their families. They seem to be the happiest people.
I wish I knew mine better. I would probably relate to Joachim and Ann stronger if I had a sense of extended biological family. Anyways, my grandfathers live on in my name.
Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Spirituality: Set the World Ablaze

Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
August 2, 2015
Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15; Psalm 78; Ephesians 4:17, 20-24; John 6:24-35
Hunger causes us to grumble. When we
are not satisfied with food and drink, we become irritable and we search for
more food. The Israelites experienced this when they wandered through the
barren desert in search of satisfying food. Many longed to be back in hostile
Egypt just so they could have the regularity of eating nutritious meals. The
Lord heard the cries of the people and provided them with manna – food of the
angels – so they could be sustained. Every evening, after a long parched day,
in the twilight, God provided fleshy quail as the Israelites’ protein and in
the morning, fine flakes of manna that were made into bread. Once their bellies
were full, the Israelites could praise God for providing for them.
Hunger kept the crowds looking for
Jesus after he fed the multitudes. He was the one who took their hunger away
and satisfied their searching. They realized they found the real deal in Jesus
and they wanted to know more about him because he offered what no one else
could provide. They huddled into their boats to cross to Capernaum just to see
if Jesus was there. Once they came to know Jesus, they needed to remain close
to him. He told them that he provides the food that endures for eternal life
and the crowds wanted to know how they could believe more fully.
People with partial faith want
verification that Jesus is the one to whom they ought to devote their lives.
Many seek and search and try out various approaches to become happy, but they
find these pursuits ring hollow after a time. They are not ready to become
religious and to allow Jesus to be known to them as a real person. They say,
“Only if I hear the voice of Jesus or if he appears to me will I believe.” They
seek the same sort of signs as the people of biblical times, but they will not
look at the sign that is most revelatory – the Eucharist. Jesus tells the
people, “I am the Bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and
whoever believes in me will never thirst.” Fortunate is the one who replies,
“Sir, give me this bread always.”
We have come across people who are
marginal Christians or do not regularly attend church on Sundays. Though it is
a weekend day to them, it feels rootless because the day is not special from
the other days except for maybe a special sports or media event. Setting aside
time for God even if it means attending a church service that may not feel particularly
engaging still provides some satisfaction. No matter how relaxing it may be to
take a leisurely walk, to attend a concert, or show up at a family gathering,
one always feels better when one commits to meeting Jesus during church
services. Something unexplained is fulfilled. Something meaningful has
As people mature and their values
change, if they are not rooted in faith, they are inarticulate about what they
seek, even if they seek laudable goals. For the one who seeks good health and
fortune while trying to live a morally good life, we believers know that Christ
is participating in their lives, but we yearn for their fulfillment. We want
them to come to knowledge of the Lord who will satisfy their longings and
increase their trust in the divine. We want them to know who is feeding them so
a personal relationship can be strengthened. The Israelites wanted to know if
the manna was a natural event or if God was feeding them. The crowds surrounding
Jesus wanted to know if he was the one providing the lasting bread. It makes
all the difference in the world to know that one cares about you very much and
wants to feed you, even if you cannot see him. What great joy, though, when we
recognize Jesus, turn towards him, and allow ourselves to become bowled over in
gratitude by the offer he extends to us. “Sir, give us this bread always.”
Themes for this Week’s Masses
Monday: (Numbers 11) The children of Israel cried
out for meat in their food just like they had in Egypt. Though the Lord fed
them manna, they cried for more substance in their meals
Tuesday: (Numbers 12) Moses contracted marriage
with a Cushite woman, but Miriam and Aaron protested and declared that the Lord
could speak through them also. When the cloud moved to the Meeting Tent, Miriam
was struck with leprosy for her sin against Moses.
Wednesday: (Numbers 13) Moses sent men to scope out
Canaan, who reported that during their 40 day reconnoiter the people of the
land could be overtaken. Some men doubted and spread fear. The Lord punished
them 40 years to wander in the desert because they doubted.
Thursday: (Daniel 7) Daniel had a vision of the
heavenly court where he saw one as the Son of Man who received dominion, glory,
and kingship.
Friday (Deuteronomy 4) The Lord is God in the
heavens above and on earth below, and there is no other. Keep the statutes so
that you and your children will prosper and have long life.
Saturday (Deuteronomy 6) The Lord will guide you
after you entered the Promised Land. Follow the commandments and fear God.
Serve God and you will have favor.
Monday: (Matthew 14) When Jesus heard of John the
Baptist’s death, he withdrew to a deserted place. He saw the vast crowds and
his heart was moved with pity. He fed the 5,000 with the five loaves and two
Tuesday: (Matthew 14) Jesus put the disciples in a
boat to cross the sea. At night, a violent wind swept up and Jesus appeared to
them walking on the water. Peter doubted and began to sink as he walked on
water too. Jesus spoke to them about the need for faith.
Wednesday (Matthew 15) Jesus approached Tyre and
Sidon and encountered a Canaanite woman whose daughter was tormented by a
demon. She fought for her daughter’s inclusion in the healing ministry of
Jesus. Jesus admired her great faith.
Thursday (Mark 9) Peter, James, and John
accompanied Jesus up a high mountain when Jesus was transfigured before them. A
voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” The figures of
Moses and Elijah that surrounded Jesus disappeared.
Friday (Matthew 16) Whoever wishes to come after me
must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. What profit is there if
one gains the whole world but forfeits his life?
Saturday (Matthew 17) A man came up to Jesus and
asked for pity on his son who was a lunatic. The disciples of Jesus could not
cure him. Jesus claimed they could not heal him because of their little faith.
Saints of the Week
August 2: Peter Faber, S.J., priest and founder (1506-1546), was one of the
original companions of the Society of Jesus. He was a French theologian and the
first Jesuit priest and was the presider over the first vows of the lay
companions. He became known for directing the Spiritual Exercises very well. He
was called to the Council of Trent but died as the participants were gathering.
August 2: Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop (d. 371), was ordained bishop after
becoming a lector. He attended a council in Milan where he opposed the Arians.
The emperor exiled him to Palestine because he contradicted secular influences.
He returned to his diocese where the emperor died.
August 2: Peter Julian Eymard, priest (1811-1868) left the Oblates when he
became ill. When his father died, he became a priest and soon transferred into
the Marists but left them to found the Blessed Sacrament Fathers to promote the
significance of the Eucharist.
August 4: John Vianney, priest (1786-1859) became the parish priest in
Ars-en-Dombes where he spent the rest of his life preaching and hearing
confessions. Hundreds of visitors and pilgrims visited him daily. He would hear
confessions 12-16 hours per day.
August 5: Dedication of the Basilica of Mary Major in Rome is celebrated
because it is the largest and oldest of the churches in honor of Mary. The
veneration began in 435 when the church was repaired after the Council of
Ephesus in 431 when Mary was proclaimed the Mother of God. This is the church
where Ignatius of Loyola said his first Mass and where Francis of Assisi
assembled the first crèche.
August 6: The Transfiguration of the Lord is an historical event captured by
the Gospels when Jesus is singled out as God's Son - ranking higher than Moses
or Elijah. In front of his disciples, Jesus becomes transfigured, thus
revealing his true nature. Ironically, the anniversary of the dropping of the
first atomic bomb occurred at Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.
August 7: Sixtus, II, pope and martyr with companions (d. 258), died during
the Valerian persecutions in 258. They were killed in the catacombs where they
celebrated Mass. Sixtus was beheaded while speaking in his presidential chair
and six deacons were killed as well. Lawrence, the Deacon, is honored on August
10th. Sixtus is remembered during the 1st Eucharistic prayer at Mass.
August 7: Cajetan, priest (1480-1547), was a civil and canon lawyer who
worked in the papal chancery. He later joined the Roman Order of Divine Love
and was ordained a priest. He became aware that the church needed reform and he
teamed up with the bishop of Theate (Gian Pietro Carafa) and formed a society
of priests called the Theatines who lived in community and took monastic vows.
They owned no property.
August 8: Dominic, priest (1170-1221), was a Spaniard who was sent to
southern France to counter the heretical teachings of the Albigensians, who
held that the material world was evil and only religious asceticism could
combat those forces. Dominic begged and preached in an austere fashion and set
the foundations for the new Order of Preachers for both men and women.
August 8: Mother Mary MacKillop, religious (1842-1909), who worked in
Australia and New Zealand to assist the poor, needy, and immigrants to the
country, was canonized on October 17th 2010. August 8th is
chosen as the day in which she will be memorialized on the Roman calendar. I
offer the following prayer:
Bountiful and loving God,
You have filled the heart of Mary MacKillop
with compassionate love for those
who are in need at the margins of our society.
Deepen that love within us
that we may embrace the mystery of the Cross
which leads us through death to life.
We ask this in the Spirit of Jesus
who having broken the bonds of death
leads us to everlasting life. Amen.
This Week in Jesuit History
Aug 2, 1981. The death of Gerald Kelly, moral
theologian and author of "Modern Youth and Chastity."
Aug 3, 1553. Queen Mary Tudor made her solemn
entrance into London. As she passed St Paul's School, an address was delivered
by Edmund Campion, then a boy of thirteen.
Aug 4, 1871. King Victor Emmanuel signed the
decree that sanctioned the seizure of all of the properties belonging to the
Roman College and to S. Andrea.
Aug 5, 1762. The Parliament at Paris condemned
the Society's Institute as opposed to natural law. It confiscated all Jesuit
property and forbade the Jesuit habit and community life.
Aug 6, 1552. The death of Claude Jay, a French
priest who was one of Ignatius' original companions at the University of Paris.
Aug 7, 1814. The universal restoration of the
Society of Jesus.
Aug 8, 1604. St Peter Claver takes his first
vows at Tarracona.
Decimoctavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Decimoctavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
02 de agosto 2015
Éxodo 16: 2-4, 12-15; Salmo 78; Efesios 4:17, 20-24; Juan 6: 24-35
El hambre nos hace refunfuñar. Cuando no estamos satisfechos con la comida y la bebida, nos volvemos irritables y buscamos más comida. Los israelitas experimentaron esto cuando vagaron por el desierto estéril en busca de comida satisfactoria. Muchos anhelaban estar de vuelta en hostil Egipto sólo para que pudieran tener la regularidad de comer comidas nutritivas. El Señor escuchó los gritos de la gente y les dio el maná - alimento de los ángeles - por lo que podría ser sostenido. Todas las noches, después de un día reseca mucho, en el crepúsculo, Dios proveyó codornices carnosa como la proteína de los israelitas y por la mañana, finos copos de maná que se hicieron en pan. Una vez que sus estómagos estaban llenos, los israelitas podían alabar a Dios por proveer para ellos.
Hambre mantuvo a la multitud en busca de Jesús después de que él alimentó a las multitudes. Él fue quien tomó su hambre de distancia y satisfizo su búsqueda. Se dieron cuenta de que encontraron el verdadero negocio en Jesús y querían saber más sobre él, porque él ofreció lo que nadie más puede ofrecer. Se acurrucaron en sus barcos para cruzar a Capernaum sólo para ver si Jesús estaba allí. Una vez que llegaron a conocer a Jesús, tenían que permanecer cerca de él. Él les dijo que él ofrece el alimento que permanece para la vida eterna y la gente quería saber cómo se podían creer más plenamente.
Las personas con fe parcial quieren verificación de que Jesús es el único a quien se debería dedicar sus vidas. Muchos buscan y buscar y probar diferentes enfoques para llegar a ser feliz, pero encontrar estas suenan huecas actividades después de un tiempo. Ellos no están listos para convertirse en religiosa y permitir que Jesús sea conocido por ellos como una persona real. Ellos dicen: "Sólo si escucho la voz de Jesús, o si me parece voy a creer." Ellos buscan el mismo tipo de signos como la gente de los tiempos bíblicos, pero no se verá en la señal de que es más revelador - la Eucaristía. Jesús le dice a la gente: "Yo soy el pan de vida; el que viene a mí no tendrá hambre, y el que cree en mí nunca tendrá sed. "Afortunado es el que responde:" Señor, dame siempre de ese pan. "
Nos hemos encontrado con personas que son cristianos marginales o que no asisten regularmente a la iglesia los domingos. Aunque es un día de fin de semana con ellos, se siente desarraigado porque el día no es especial de los otros días a excepción quizá de un deporte o medios evento especial. Dejando a un lado el tiempo para Dios, incluso si esto significa asistir a un servicio religioso que pueden no sentirse particularmente atractiva todavía proporciona cierta satisfacción. No importa lo relajante que puede ser que tome un paseo, para asistir a un concierto, o aparecer en una reunión familiar, uno siempre se siente mejor cuando uno se compromete a cumplir con Jesús durante los servicios religiosos. Algo inexplicable se cumple. Algo significativo ha ocurrido.
Como las personas maduran y sus valores cambian, si no están arraigados en la fe, son inarticulado sobre lo que buscan, incluso si ellos buscan objetivos loables. Para el que busca una buena salud y fortuna al tratar de vivir una vida moralmente buena, que los creyentes sabemos que Cristo está participando en sus vidas, pero que anhelamos para su cumplimiento. Queremos que vengan al conocimiento del Señor que va a satisfacer sus anhelos y aumentar su confianza en la divina. Queremos que sepan que los está alimentando así una relación personal puede fortalecerse. Los israelitas querían saber si el maná era un evento natural o si Dios estaba dando de comer ellos. Las multitudes que rodean a Jesús querían saber si era el apartamento el pan duradera. Se hace toda la diferencia en el mundo para saber que uno se preocupa mucho y quiere que alimentar, incluso si usted no lo puede ver. Qué gran alegría, sin embargo, cuando reconocemos a Jesús, gire hacia él, y permitirnos llegar a ser arrollado en agradecimiento por la oferta que se extiende a nosotros. "Señor, danos siempre de ese pan."
Temas para las misas de esta semana
Primera Lectura:
• Lunes: (Números 11) Los hijos de Israel clamaron por la carne en su comida al igual que lo habían hecho en Egipto. Aunque el Señor les dio de comer el maná, clamaban por más sustancia en sus comidas
• Martes: (Números 12) Moisés contrajo matrimonio con una mujer etíope, pero Miriam y Aarón protestaron y declararon que el Señor podía hablar a través de ellos también. Cuando la nube se trasladó a la tienda de reunión, Miriam fue golpeado con lepra por su pecado contra Moisés.
• Miércoles: (Números 13) Moisés envió a los hombres a salir alcance Canaán, quien informó que durante su 40 día reconocer el pueblo de la tierra podría ser superado. Algunos hombres dudaban y se extendió el miedo. El Señor los castigó 40 años de vagar en el desierto, ya que dudaban.
• Jueves: (Daniel 7) Daniel tuvo una visión de la corte celestial, donde vio a uno como el Hijo del Hombre que recibió dominio, gloria y reino.
• Viernes (Deuteronomio 4) El Señor es Dios arriba en los cielos y en la tierra abajo, y no hay otro. Mantenga los estatutos de modo que usted y sus hijos prosperar y tener una larga vida útil.
• Sábado (Deuteronomio 6) El Señor te guiará después de que ha introducido la Tierra Prometida. Siga los mandamientos y temer a Dios. Servir a Dios y tendrás favor.
• Lunes: (Mateo 14) Cuando Jesús se enteró de la muerte de Juan el Bautista, se retiró a un lugar desierto. Vio las vastas multitudes y su corazón se enterneció. Alimentó el 5000 con los cinco panes y dos peces.
• Martes: (Mateo 14) Jesús puso a los discípulos en una barca para cruzar el mar. Por la noche, un viento recio que barrió y Jesús se les apareció caminando sobre el agua. Pedro estaba perplejo y comenzó a hundirse mientras caminaba sobre el agua también. Jesús les habló acerca de la necesidad de la fe.
• Miércoles (Mateo 15) Jesús se acercó a Tiro y Sidón y se encontró con una mujer cananea cuya hija fue atormentada por un demonio. Ella luchó por la inclusión de su hija en el ministerio de sanidad de Jesús. Jesús admiraba su gran fe.
• Jueves (Marcos 9) Pedro, Santiago y Juan acompañaron a Jesús a un monte alto cuando Jesús se transfiguró delante de ellos. Una voz del cielo dijo: "Este es mi Hijo amado. Escuche a él. "Las cifras de Moisés y Elías que rodeaban a Jesús desaparecieron.
• Viernes (Mateo 16) El que quiera venir en pos de mí, niéguese a sí mismo, tome su cruz, y sígame. ¿Qué provecho hay si uno ganar el mundo entero, pero pierde su vida?
• Sábado (Mateo 17) Un hombre se acercó a Jesús y le pidió piedad de su hijo, que era un lunático. Los discípulos de Jesús no le han podido sanar. Jesús afirmó que no podían curarse debido a su poca fe.
Santos de la Semana
2 de agosto: Pedro Fabro, SJ, sacerdote y fundador (1506-1546), fue uno de los compañeros originales de la Compañía de Jesús. Él era un teólogo francés y el primer sacerdote jesuita y fue el celebrante durante los primeros votos de los compañeros laicos. Se hizo conocido por dirigir los Ejercicios Espirituales muy bien. Fue llamado al Concilio de Trento, pero murió a los participantes se reunían.
2 de agosto: Eusebio de Vercelli, obispo (. D 371), fue ordenado obispo después de convertirse en un lector. Asistió a un concilio en Milán, donde se opuso a los arrianos. El emperador lo desterró a Palestina porque contradecía influencias seculares. Él volvió a su diócesis, donde murió el emperador.
2 de agosto: Pedro Julián Eymard, sacerdote (1811-1868) dejaron los Oblatos cuando se enfermó. Cuando su padre murió, se convirtió en un sacerdote y luego transferido a los Maristas, pero los dejó para fundar los Padres del Santísimo Sacramento para promover la importancia de la Eucaristía.
4 de agosto: Juan Vianney, sacerdote (1786-1859) se convirtió en el párroco de Ars-en-Dombes donde pasó el resto de su vida a predicar y confesar. Cientos de visitantes y peregrinos lo visitaron diariamente. Él escuchaba confesiones 12-16 horas por día.
5 de agosto: Dedicación de la Basílica de María la Mayor en Roma se celebra porque es la mayor y más antigua de las iglesias en honor de María. La veneración comenzó en 435 cuando la iglesia fue reparada después del Concilio de Éfeso en el año 431, cuando María fue proclamada la Madre de Dios. Esta es la iglesia donde Ignacio de Loyola dijo su primera misa y donde Francisco de Asís reunió la primera guardería.
6 de agosto: La Transfiguración del Señor es un acontecimiento histórico capturado por los Evangelios cuando Jesús se destaca como el Hijo de Dios - la clasificación más alta que Moisés o Elías. Frente a sus discípulos, Jesús se transfigura, lo que revela su verdadera naturaleza. Irónicamente, el aniversario del lanzamiento de la primera bomba atómica ocurrió en Hiroshima el 6 de agosto de 1945.
7 de agosto: Sixto, II, Papa y mártir con los compañeros (. D 258), murió durante la persecución Valeriana en 258. Fueron asesinados en las catacumbas donde se celebró la misa Sixto fue decapitado mientras hablaban en la silla presidencial y seis diáconos eran. matado también. Lawrence, el diácono, es honrado el 10 de agosto. Sixto se recuerda durante la primera oración Eucarística en la Misa.
7 de agosto: Cayetano, sacerdote (1480-1547), fue un abogado civil y canónico que trabajó en la cancillería papal. Más tarde se unió a la Orden romana de Amor Divino y fue ordenado sacerdote. Se dio cuenta de que la iglesia necesita una reforma y se asoció con el obispo de Theate (Gian Pietro Carafa) y formó una sociedad de sacerdotes llamados los teatinos que vivían en la comunidad y tomó los votos monásticos. Eran dueños de ninguna propiedad.
8 de agosto: Domingo, sacerdote (1170-1221), era un español que fue enviado al sur de Francia para contrarrestar las enseñanzas heréticas de los albigenses, que sostenían que el mundo material era malo y sólo ascetismo religioso podría combatir esas fuerzas. Dominic rogó y predicó de una manera austera y establece las bases para la nueva Orden de Predicadores, tanto para hombres como para mujeres.
08 de agosto: Madre Mary MacKillop, religiosa (1842-1909), que trabajó en Australia y Nueva Zelanda para ayudar a los pobres, los necesitados y los inmigrantes en el país, fue canonizado el 17 de octubre de 2010. 08 de agosto es elegido como el día en el que ella será conmemorado en el calendario romano. Ofrezco la siguiente oración:
Abundancia y amar a Dios,
Usted ha llenado el corazón de Mary MacKillop
con amor compasivo para aquellos
que están en necesidad en los márgenes de nuestra sociedad.
Profundizar que el amor dentro de nosotros
que podamos abrazar el misterio de la Cruz
lo que nos lleva a través de la muerte a la vida.
Te lo pedimos en el Espíritu de Jesús
que habiendo roto las ataduras de la muerte
nos lleva a la vida eterna. Amén.
Esta semana en la historia de los jesuitas
• 02 de agosto de 1981. La muerte de Gerald Kelly, teólogo moral y autor de "La juventud moderna y de la castidad".
• 03 de agosto de 1553. reina María Tudor hizo su entrada solemne en Londres. Al pasar de la escuela de San Pablo, una dirección estuvo a cargo de Edmund Campion, a continuación, un niño de trece años.
• 04 de agosto de 1871. El rey Víctor Manuel firmó el decreto que sancionó la confiscación de todas las propiedades que pertenecen al Colegio Romano y S. Andrea.
• 05 de agosto de 1762. El Parlamento de París condenó el Instituto de la Sociedad en oposición a la ley natural. Se confiscó todos los bienes de los jesuitas y prohibió la costumbre y la vida comunitaria jesuita.
• 06 de agosto de 1552. La muerte de Claude Jay, un sacerdote francés que fue uno de los compañeros originales de Ignacio de la Universidad de París.
• 07 de agosto de 1814. La restauración universal de la Compañía de Jesús.
• 08 de agosto, 1604. San Pedro Claver toma sus primeros votos en Tarracona.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Prayer: Leo the Great
Make us peacemakers, O God, that we may be called children of God and joint heirs with Christ. May we never suffer calamities and never fear temptation. When the struggle is over, may we rest in the peace of God, the peace of utter tranquility, through our Lord, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns forever and ever.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Poem: Mary Oliver
Did you too see it, drifting, all night, on the black river?
Did you see it in the morning, rising into the silvery air -
An armful of white blossoms,
A perfect commotion of silk and linen as it leaned
into the bondage of its wings; a snowbank, a bank of lilies,
Biting the air with its black beak?
Did you hear it, fluting and whistling
A shrill dark music - like the rain pelting the trees
- like a waterfall
Knifing down the black ledges?
And did you see it, finally, just under the clouds -
A white cross Streaming across the sky, its feet
Like black leaves, its wings Like the stretching light of the river?
And did you feel it, in your heart, how it pertained to everything?
And have you too finally figured out what beauty is for?
And have you changed your life?
Did you see it in the morning, rising into the silvery air -
An armful of white blossoms,
A perfect commotion of silk and linen as it leaned
into the bondage of its wings; a snowbank, a bank of lilies,
Biting the air with its black beak?
Did you hear it, fluting and whistling
A shrill dark music - like the rain pelting the trees
- like a waterfall
Knifing down the black ledges?
And did you see it, finally, just under the clouds -
A white cross Streaming across the sky, its feet
Like black leaves, its wings Like the stretching light of the river?
And did you feel it, in your heart, how it pertained to everything?
And have you too finally figured out what beauty is for?
And have you changed your life?
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Poem: "Your Heart Today," by Fr. Manoling Francisco, S.J.
Where there is fear I can allay,
Where there is pain I can heal,
Where there are wounds I can bind,
And hunger I can fill:
Lord, grant me courage,
Lord, grant me strength,
Grant me compassion
That I may be your heart today.
Where there is hate I can confront,
Where there are yokes I can release,
Where there are captives I can free
And anger I can appease:
Lord, grant me courage,
Lord, grant me strength,
Grant me compassion
That I may be your heart today.
When comes the day I dread
To see our broken world,
Protect me from myself grown cold
That your people I may behold.
And when I've done all that I could,
Yet, there are hearts I cannot move,
Lord, give me hope,
That I may be your heart today.
Where there is pain I can heal,
Where there are wounds I can bind,
And hunger I can fill:
Lord, grant me courage,
Lord, grant me strength,
Grant me compassion
That I may be your heart today.
Where there is hate I can confront,
Where there are yokes I can release,
Where there are captives I can free
And anger I can appease:
Lord, grant me courage,
Lord, grant me strength,
Grant me compassion
That I may be your heart today.
When comes the day I dread
To see our broken world,
Protect me from myself grown cold
That your people I may behold.
And when I've done all that I could,
Yet, there are hearts I cannot move,
Lord, give me hope,
That I may be your heart today.
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