Spirituality: Set the World Ablaze

Twenty-Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
September 28, 2014
Ezekiel 18:25-28; Psalm
25; Philippians 2:1-11; Matthew 21:28-32
Each of us has
a particular worldview and fundamental attitude towards life. Some are
optimists; others fear to engage with the world; some are defensive and
protective; some attitudes have been tarnished because life has beaten them
down. We have guiding principles and mantras that keep us going forward during
challenging times, even though we may not be consciously aware of those life
ethics, but our social and cultural contexts shape the way we develop our
baseline attitudes in life.
Scripture examines
these attitudes this week and respectfully asks to consider adjusting yours if
needed. In Ezekiel’s letter, the Lord challenges the people by asking, “Who is
it that told you my way is not fair? Look at your ways. They are unfair to
many.” Then the Lord points out that everyone is to look inward to see if they are
on a path to perdition. If so, they are to turn away from sin because even the
most wicked person can gain eternal life. One’s change of heart is what matters
to God. Let it always move towards right relations.
Gospel provides an example of a conversion of heart. I always preach the
virtues of saying, “Yes,” but of course, it must be followed by a commitment to
honor your word. In this case, the son who says “No” is the admirable one. He
speaks about what he does not want and is true to his word, but he later has a
change of heart and honors his father’s goals and seeks to help him out. The
son who said “No” became conscious of others while the son who said “Yes”
simply focused upon himself and did only what he wants. Jesus takes this
further in order to explain to the Jews that they are the sons who said “Yes”
but become self-focused, while those they discarded from their religion
initially said “No” and had a profound change of heart. A seismic shift
occurred in their religion. The ones who were on the outside looking in are now
at the very center of the faith, and they come to it with wisdom, compassion,
prudence, and open-armed hospitality.
Paul in
Philippians tells us that we are to adopt the same attitude that is in Christ
Jesus. Therefore, we are not to be selfish because we regard others as equally
important as ourselves and that we do not only look to our interests, but we
look to promote the common good.
The idea of the
common good is important to consider because many times we give away our
self-interests for the desires of another who is only self-interested. Be
cautious about this because we do not want to enable the poor behavior of
others or to let the ‘giving’ part of the relationships be tilted too much in
one direction. If we are always giving without getting reciprocal adequate
respect, we have to pause so we can evaluate (a.) the relationship, or (b.) my
patterns of this particular relationship. Each has to look out for the
interests of others and if my relationship partner is not as concerned for me
as I am for the other, I have to ask myself some questions and perhaps make
Especially as I
wake up in the morning, I need to ask myself, “How do I feel about my job,
marriage or relationship, my hope for the future?” If I am dissatisfied, I then
wonder if I need something to change my attitude. For instance, falling in love
with my spouse or partner or my community is an every morning choice.
Committing wholeheartedly to my job is something I have to renew periodically. Caring
for a family member whose behavior is dysfunctional requires something greater
out of me and I have to choose how to care enough about the person to stay in
the relationship. With our attitude, we always retain the freedom to choose.
Our prayer has to be, “What is going to be most effective for making me the
person God wants me to be? How can I contribute to the betterment of my own world?”
Adopting the
attitudes of Christ means we learn the see others as he sees them. Christ has a
different point of view from us and he have to ask him how he experiences
another person. We need to spend time in private prayer letting him reveal his
mind, heart, and attitudes towards us so our worldview can be enlarged. If we
want compassion in the world, our behaviors must be compassionate. If we want
kindness, we have to be kind. Take some time this week to evaluate where you
are and where you want to go. I promise you that you will get there. Let us
encourage one another in Christ too. Let us gently, slowly, deliberately move
towards living in the quiet joy of Christ who is rich in mercy and compassion
and calls forth the best from us. Let his mind, values, and attitudes seep into
your soul. You will be very happy with the person you are becoming.
Themes for this
Week’s Masses
First Reading:
Monday: (Daniel
7 – Archangels) As Daniel watches the holy liturgy in heaven, he sees the
Ancient One take his throne and all the powers and principalities and angels
serve and worship the Lord.
Tuesday: (Job
3 - Jerome) Job opened his mouth and curses the day saying, “Why did I not
perish at birth?” Why must I suffer such a fate?
Wednesday: (Job
9 – Therese of Lisieux) Job answers his friends, “How can a person be justified
before God?” The power imbalance is wide and God would not choose to contend
with him.
Thursday: (Job
19 – Guardian Angel) Job said, “Pity me, my friends, for the hand of God has
struck me! Why do you hound me as though you were divine, and insatiably prey
upon me?”
Friday: (Job
38) The Lord addressed Job: Have you commanded the morning, enter the sources
of the sea, seen the gates of hell, comprehended the breadth of the earth? Job
answers, “I am of little account. I put my hand over my mouth and I will speak
no more.”
Saturday: (Job
42 – Francis of Assisi) Job answers, “I know you can do all things. I disown
what I have said and repent in dust and ashes.”
(John 1 - Archangels) Nathaniel saw Jesus and exclaimed, “Here is a true child
of Israel.” Jesus replied, “In this man, there is not duplicity.” He then said,
“You will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on
the Son of Man.”
Tuesday: Jesus
set his face toward Jerusalem, but when he and his disciples entered a
Samaritan village, they would not receive them because the destination of their
journey was Jerusalem.
Wednesday: (Luke
9) A disciple said to Jesus, “I will follow you wherever you go,” and Jesus
replies, “Foxes have dens and the birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of
Man has nowhere to rest his head.”
Thursday: The
disciples approached Jesus and asked, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of
heaven?” and Jesus pulled a child to himself and said, “Unless you turn and
become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven.”
Friday: Jesus
exclaimed, “Woe to you, Chorazin and Bethsaida. If the deeds done in your midst
had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would long ago have repented, sitting in
sackcloth and ashes.”
Saturday: The seventy-two disciples return to Jesus
rejoicing at the events done in his name. Jesus gives thanks to his father and
then blesses his disciples.
Saints of the Week
September 28: Wenceslaus, martyr (907-929), was
raised a Christian by his grandmother while his mother and brother were opposed
to Christianity. His brother opposed him when he became ruler of Bohemia in
922. He introduced strict reforms that caused great dissatisfaction among
nobles and political adversaries. His brother invited him to a religious
ceremony where he was killed in a surprise attack.
September 28: Lawrence Ruiz and 15 companion martyrs
(seventeenth century), were killed in
Nagasaki, Japan during 1633 and 1637. Most of these Christians were friends of
the Dominicans. Lawrence, a Filipino, was a husband and father. He and these
other missionaries served the Philippines, Formosa, and Japan.
September 29: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, archangels
are long a part of Christian and Jewish scripture. Michael is the angel who
fights against evil as the head of all the angels; Gabriel announces the
messiah's arrival and the births of Jesus and John the Baptist; and Raphael is
a guardian angel who protects Tobias on his journey. Together, they are
venerated to represent all the angels during a three-day period.
September 30: Jerome, priest and doctor (342-420), studied
Greek and Latin as a young man after his baptism by Pope Liberius. He learned
Hebrew when he became a monk and after ordination he studied scripture with
Gregory Nazianzen in Constantinople. He became secretary to the Pope when he
was asked to translate the Bible into Latin.
October 1: Teresa of Jesus, doctor (1515-1582), entered the Carmelites in
Avila and became disenchanted with the laxity of the order. She progressed in
prayer and had mystical visions. She introduced stricter reforms through her
guidance of John of the Cross and Peter Alcantara. They founded the Discalced
Carmelites for men and women.
October 2: The Guardian Angels are messengers and intermediaries between God
and humans. They help us in our struggle against evil and they serve as
guardians, the feast we celebrate today. Raphael is one of the guardians
written about in the Book of Tobit. A memorial was added to the Roman calendar
In 1670 in thanksgiving for their assistance.
October 3: Francis Borgia, S.J. became a duke at age 33. When his wife died
and his eight children were grown, he joined the Jesuits. His preaching brought
many people to the church and when he served as Superior General, the Society
increased dramatically in Spain and Portugal. He established many missions in
the new territories.
October 4: Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) was from the wealthy Bernardone
family who sold silk cloths. After serving as soldier as a prisoner of war,
Francis chose to serve God and the poor. He felt called to repair God's house,
which he thought was a church. His father was angry that he used family money
so he disinherited him. He began to preach repentance and recruited others to
his way of life. His order is known for poverty, simplicity, humble service,
and delighting in creation.
This Week in Jesuit History
Sep 28, 1572. Fifteen Jesuits arrived in Mexico
to establish the Mexican Province. They soon opened a college.
Sep 29, 1558. In the Gesu, Rome, and elsewhere,
the Jesuits began to keep Choir, in obedience to an order from Paul IV. This
practice lasted less than a year, until the pope's death in August, 1559.
Sep 30, 1911. President William Howard Taft
visited Saint Louis University and declared the football season open.
Oct 1, 1546. Isabel Roser was released from her
Jesuit vows by St Ignatius after eight months.
Oct 2, 1964. Fr. General Janssens suffered a
stroke and died three days later. During his generalate, the Society grew from
53 to 85 provinces, and from 28,839 to 35,968 members.
Oct 3, 1901. In France, religious persecution
broke out afresh with the passing of Waldeck Rousseau's "Loi d'Association."
Oct 4, 1820. In Rome, great troubles arose
before and during the Twentieth General Congregation, caused by Fr. Petrucci's
intrigues. He sought to wreck the Society and was deposed from his office as
Vicar General, though supported by Cardinal della Genga (afterwards Leo XII).
Good practical suggestions. We all need to reevaluate periodically in order to make certain we are on the right path. blessings.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Lynda.