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Monday, August 19, 2024

Prayer: Working for a just society

It is necessary for people to struggle unceasingly for justice in the world. The effort to create just societies, and above all a just world society, is a duty given to humans, and to the people of God above all, and it is altogether a part of the coming of the reign of God. The best and the freest society always comes up against its limitations. Human courts are helpless in the face of the immeasurable potential for injustice in the world. Indeed, they are themselves involved in that injustice. Ultimately, they are unable either to establish adequate justice or to uncover the depths of worldwide injustice, which is the result of human freedom for good or evil. Only God can reveal human history in all its dimensions. Only God can really, universally, and above all, finally create justice. 

Gerhard Lohfink, Is This All There is? P. 147

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