Daily Email

Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Season for Baptisms

The Season for Baptisms

As this is the season for baptism, I share with you the blessing of the waters because of the rich theology imbedded in the blessing.

Loving God, you give us grace through sacramental signs, which tell us of the wonders of your unseen power.

In baptism we use your gift of water, which you have made a rich symbol of the grace you give us in this sacrament.

At the very dawn of creation your Spirit breathed on the waters, making them the wellspring of all holiness.

The waters of the great flood you made a sign of the waters of baptism that make an end of sin and a new beginning of goodness.

Through the waters of the Red Sea you led Israel out of slavery to be an image of God’s holy people, set free from sin by baptism.

In the waters of the Jordan your Son was baptized by John and was anointed with the Spirit.

Your Son willed that water and blood should flow from his side as he hung upon the cross.

After his resurrection he told his disciples: Go out and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Loving Father, look now with love upon your Church and unseal it for the fountain of baptism.

By the power of the Holy Spirit give to this water the grace of your Son, so that in the sacrament of baptism all those whom you have created in your likeness may be cleansed from sin and rise to a new birth of innocence by water and the Holy Spirit.

We ask you, Father, with your Son, to send the Holy Spirit upon the waters of this font. May all who are buried with Christ in the death of baptism rise also with him to newness of life. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

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