Spirituality: Set the World Ablaze

Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 20, 2015
Micah 5:1-4; Psalm 80; Hebrews 10:5-10; Luke 1:39-45
Mary’s visitation to Elizabeth is
the first time that Mary can rejoice in the unusual events that involve her.
Prior to this encounter, Mary and Joseph discussed her pregnancy in private as
Joseph decided to keep Mary as his wife. Elizabeth brings about relief, as she
knows immediately that Mary is with child. Mary’s secret is out and together they
celebrate their good fortune and share stories of how they feeling about these
surprising events. Connecting with others is important human need.
Soon we will be doing our own
visitations for Christmas and New Years. Many will do lots of traveling to
homes of loved ones and we wonder if we will have the same joyful welcome and
stay as Mary did at Elizabeth’s. A few weeks ago, I over-heard two seventy-five
year old women talking about the holidays. One said, “Ugh, the holidays are
coming. That means more family fights and problems. The holidays seem to come
too fast.” At the next mass, I heard another woman say to her friend, “I like
Halloween more and more each year. I get to dress up and act silly, but the
best part is that no family is involved.” I cringed when I heard both
statements because sadly these women are not enjoying the holiday that is
supposed to be our day of love, joy, and goodwill. Our expectations of family
gatherings disappoint too many people, yet we live in hope that the Christmas
message will seep into our hearts and we will have a groundbreaking moment of
Mary, in her hardship, placed
herself in a vulnerable position to see Elizabeth, who greeted her with
gracious hospitality. We place ourselves at risk when we make the trip to a
relative’s house. Often there is at least one person who will not talk with someone
else or else the room is filled with a chilled reception. Certain topics cannot
be broached and people step carefully in their conversation so they do not
disturb the precarious balance. Elizabeth’s reception of Mary shows us how to
find the Christ that is developing in each of us. If mercy is defined as
entering into the chaos of another’s life, then certainly we need Christ to
enter into our lives. Mercy will help us more than endure it; it will make us
into a new people that are becoming more Christ-like.
What we do not see when we meet
Elizabeth and Mary are John and Jesus, but they are respectively growing within
them. When we greet one another, we cannot see each other as finished products,
but people who are developing the Christ within us. Christ is always growing
within us. Sometimes we provide the conditions for his greater growth; other
times we hinder his growth, but as Christians we know that he will radiate from
our lives. When we fail to greet another person, we fail to greet Christ. We
have to get over ourselves and see the larger picture forming around us.
This is a place where we must call
mercy from the depths of our souls, even though we will feel vulnerable and at
great risk to our stability. Christ’s mercy offers us a new paradigm and we should
choose it because our ways are not working. Mercy is about entering into the
chaos of another, and this is precisely what Christ does. Let’s give him a
chance. If we get out of the way, his glory will shine through us. His
influence will grow as he illuminates our choices. We are all giving birth to
the new life that is Christ. His greatness will reach to the ends of the earth;
he shall be peace. His peace needs an opportunity to take root through our
welcoming of one another. Rejoice and celebrate each other in peace.
Themes for this Week’s Masses
Monday: (Song of Songs 2) Hark! My lover – here he
comes springing across the mountains, leaping across the hills. My lover is
like a gazelle or a young stag.
Tuesday: (1 Samuel 1) Hannah brought Samuel with
her to the temple of the Lord to offer him. As long as he lives, he shall be
dedicated to the Lord.
Wednesday: (Malachi 3) Lo, I am sending my
messenger to prepare the way before you. And suddenly there will come to the
temple the Lord whom you seek.
Thursday: (2 Samuel 7) King David settled into his
palace and was filled with pangs of guilt because the Lord was housed in a
tent. The Lord said, “Your house and kingdom will endure forever.”
Friday (Isaiah 9) The people who walked in darkness
have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom, a light has
Saturday (Acts 6) Stephen, filled with grace and
power, worked great wonders and signs among the people, but the people could
not withstand the wisdom and the spirit in which he spoke.
Monday: (Luke 2) Mary set out in those days and
traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah where she entered the
house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.
Tuesday: (Luke 1) Mary said, “My soul proclaims the
greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior.
Wednesday (Luke 1) When the baby was born to
Zechariah and Elizabeth, the time came to name him. Relatives wanted to call
him after his father, who interjected and said, “His name is John.”
Thursday (Luke 1) Zechariah sang: Blessed be the
God of Israel for he has come to his people to set them free.
Friday (Luke 2) Mary gave birth to her firstborn
son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because
there was no room for them in the inn.
Saturday (Matthew 10) Beware of me, for they will
hand you over to courts and scourge you in their synagogues and you will be led
before governors and kinds for my sake.
Saints of the Week
December 20 - O key of David, and
scepter of the house of Israel, opening the gates of God's eternal kingdom:
come and free the prisoners of darkness.
December 21 - O radiant Dawn,
splendor of eternal light, sun of justice: come and shine on those who dwell in
darkness and in the shadow of death.
21: Peter Canisius, S.J., priest and
religious (1521-1597), was sent to Germany, Austria, Bohemia, Moravia, and
Switzerland during the time of the Protestant Reformation to reinvigorate the
Catholic faith. He directed many through the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius.
He is a doctor of the church for his work in bringing many people back to the
December 22 - O King of all
nations, and their desire, and keystone of the church: come and save us, whom
you formed from the dust.
December 23 - O Emmanuel, our
king and giver of the Law, the hope of the nations and their Savior: come to
save us, Lord our God.
December 24: ERO CRAS
In the Roman Catholic tradition, on December 23, the last
of the seven “O Antiphons” is sung with the “Alleluia” verse before the Gospel
reading at Mass and at Vespers – Evening Prayer in the Divine Office/Breviary.
Most ordinary Catholics, however, are more accustomed to hearing these
antiphons as verses in the Advent hymn “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.”
But the literary construction of these wonderful antiphons is arranged in a unique and surprising way: The order of the seven Messianic titles of the “O Antiphons” (and the seven verses of “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”) was fixed with a definite purpose.
In Latin, the initial letters of the antiphons – Emmanuel, Rex, Oriens, Clavis, Radix, Adonai, Sapientia – form a reverse acrostic – a play on words – ERO CRAS, which translates into English as “Tomorrow, I will be.”
So, in the silence of Christmas Eve, we look back on the previous seven days, and we hear the voice of the One whose coming we have prepared for – Jesus Christ – speak to us: “I will be here tomorrow.”
But the literary construction of these wonderful antiphons is arranged in a unique and surprising way: The order of the seven Messianic titles of the “O Antiphons” (and the seven verses of “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”) was fixed with a definite purpose.
In Latin, the initial letters of the antiphons – Emmanuel, Rex, Oriens, Clavis, Radix, Adonai, Sapientia – form a reverse acrostic – a play on words – ERO CRAS, which translates into English as “Tomorrow, I will be.”
So, in the silence of Christmas Eve, we look back on the previous seven days, and we hear the voice of the One whose coming we have prepared for – Jesus Christ – speak to us: “I will be here tomorrow.”
December 26: Stephen, the first Martyr (d. 35), was
one of the seven original deacons chose to minister to the Greek-speaking
Christians. The Jews accused him of blasphemy. Though he was eloquent in his
defense, Saul of Tarsus condoned his death sentence.
This Week in Jesuit History
Dec 20, 1815. An ukase of Alexander I was
published banishing the Society of Jesus from St Petersburg and Moscow on the
pretext that they were troubling the Russian Church.
Dec 21, 1577. In Rome, Fr. Juan de Polanco,
secretary to the Society and very dear to Ignatius, died.
Dec 22, 1649. At Cork, Fr. David Glawey, a
missionary in the Inner and Lower Hebrides, Islay, Oronsay, Colonsay, and
Arran, died.
Dec 23, 1549. Francis Xavier was appointed
provincial of the newly erected Indian Province.
Dec 24, 1587. Fr. Claude Matthe died at Ancona.
He was a Frenchman of humble birth, highly esteemed by King Henry III and the
Duke of Guise. He foretold that Fr. Acquaviva would be General and hold that
office for a long period.
Dec 25, 1545. Isabel Roser pronounced her vows
as a Jesuit together with Lucrezia di Brandine and Francisca Cruyllas in the
presence of Ignatius at the church of Sta. Maria della Strada in Rome.
Dec 26, 1978. The assassination of Gerhard
Pieper, a librarian, who was shot to death in Zimbabwe.
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