John Predmore, S.J., is a USA East Province Jesuit and was the pastor of Jordan's English language parish. He teaches art and directs BC High's adult spiritual formation programs. Formerly a retreat director in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Ignatian Spirituality is given through guided meditations, weekend-, 8-day, and 30-day Retreats based on The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Ignatian Spirituality serves the contemporary world as people strive to develop a friendship with God.
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Thursday, April 30, 2015
Prayer: John XXIII
Easter is for us all a dying to sin, to passion, to hatred and enmity, and all that brings about disorder, spiritual and material blindness, and anguish. This death is indeed only the first step toward a higher goal – for our Easter is also a mystery of new life.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Spirituality: Set the World Ablaze

Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 3, 2015
Acts 9:26-31; Psalm 22; 1 John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8
Finding a trusted mentor in the
faith makes life much easier. Barnabas becomes that mentor and protector to
Saul. Saul arrives in Jerusalem and tries to join the disciples. He is a
neophyte in the faith and wants to meet the people who were close to Jesus, but
they do not trust him because he publicly persecuted Christians who were
destroying the Jewish faith. The disciples fear for their lives because they
realize Saul might harm or kill them. The intervention of Barnabas saves the
day. Barnabas is a trusted apostle who takes Paul under his wings. His
protection of Paul lends the credibility that tells others they do not have to
fear Paul’s intentions. Barnabas aptly relates Paul’s experience of the Risen
Lord to the Disciples and confirms the miracle that the Lord worked through
Paul. This enables Paul and Barnabas to move about freely in Jerusalem and to
debate the Hellenists who want to kill him. The crucial intervention of
Barnabas protects the Disciples, lends credibility to Paul’s conversion, and
protects Paul from his former friends and allies. Because Paul was in harm’s
way, the Disciples, in their great care, decide to send Paul to Tarsus for
In the Gospel, Jesus seeks unity
with the believer, who will grow in grace by being connected to him. A believer
cannot bear fruit by oneself; he or she must be connected with Jesus through
the community of faith just as a vine is connected to its branches. The vine is
that which provides sustenance and growth, just like the Eucharist continues to
feed and nourish us. We need Christ in the Eucharist to shape our growth so
that we receive abundant grace. This growth needs pruning, which can be
painful, but allows better growth in the areas that will make us more fruitful.
However, what is most important is in knowing that someone has our back. The
feeling of protection allows us to move forward in freedom.
Many times we make our faith private
and we travel our journey as individuals. We prize our liberty and often keep
our views to ourselves. In tumultuous times, we are not even sure where our
church stands on complicated issues, but we hold dearly onto our private
opinions. Faith is lonely when we keep everything inside us private. We belong
to a community of faith and we have to learn to trust its goodness because it
belongs to Jesus Christ. The community shields and protects us as Barnabas
protected Saul and it looks out for our welfare. We have to understand that our
community is dynamic and that it is our responsibility to both shape it and be
shaped by it. We prune the community when it acts without mercy, compassion,
and understanding and we are pruned by it when we act in a way that is contrary
to the faith.
We might want to find mentors in the
faith that can guide us with honest statements given in charity. For some, this
could be a spiritual director who can walk with us through a period of time.
For others, it might mean developing a relationship with a confessor who can
help us with the pruning that makes us more faithful persons of faith. For
still others, it could be finding a small community of faith to do some faith
sharing and further study. It is important to have a generative person form us,
protect us, nourish us, just as Barnabas did for Paul and Jesus does for us.
Having a concrete in-the-flesh person become our faith friend surely will make
life easier. Then we will show to the world that we love not just in word of
speech, but it deed and truth.
Keep feeding your heart. Let your
heart affirm your faith and God will give you the confidence to thrive as you
remain in him and God remains in you. When we are at peace, the church will
build us up and the Holy Spirit will bring us to new places we never imagined
we could go.
Themes for this Week’s Masses
(Acts 14) As Gentiles and Jews in Iconium were about to attack Paul and
Barnabas, they fled to Lystra where Paul healed a lame man.
(Acts 14) The crowds began to put their faith in Paul and Barnabas as gods, but
the men protested and told the story of the Christ event. Opposition to Paul
increased shortly afterwards and he was stoned. They left for Derbe to
strengthen the disciples in those cities and encouraged them during their times
of hardship.
(Acts 15) Some of Paul’s Jewish opposition raised the question of circumcision
and adherence to the Mosaic laws. Along the way to Jerusalem to seek the advice
of the Apostles, they told everyone of the conversion of the Gentiles.
(Acts 15) After much debate, Peter and James decided that no further
restrictions were to be made on the Gentiles.
(Acts 15) The Apostles and presbyters chose representatives and sent them to
Paul and Barnabas with word that the Gentiles were indeed welcomed into the
faith with no extra hardships placed upon them. The people were delighted with
the good news.
(Acts 13) In Derbe and Lystra, Paul heard of a man named Timothy who was well
regarded by the believers. Paul had him circumcised and they travelled to
Macedonia to proclaim the good news.
(John 14) In the Farewell Discourse, Jesus reassures his disciples that he will
remain with them if they keep his commandments to love one another.
(John 14) To punctuate his message of consolation, he tells them he will send
an advocate to teach and remind them of all he told them.
(John 15) Jesus leaves them with his lasting peace that will help them endure
many difficult times. This peace will allow us people to remain close to him –
organically as he is the vine and we are the branches.
(John 15) Remaining close to Jesus will allow us to share complete joy with one
(John 15) Jesus once again proves his love to his friends by saying that the
true friend, the Good Shepherd, will lay down his life for his friends.
(John 14) However, even with the love of Jesus, his followers will experience
hatred in this world, but as his friends and as God’s elect, their harm can
never really harm the souls of a believer.
Saints of the Week
May 3: Philip and James, Apostles (first century), were present to Jesus
throughout his entire ministry. Philip was named as being explicitly called.
James is called the Lesser to distinguish him from James of Zebedee. Little is
known of these founders of our faith.
May 4: Joseph Mary Rubio, S.J., priest (1864-1929), is a Jesuit known as
the Apostle of Madrid. He worked with the poor bringing them the Spiritual
Exercises and spiritual direction and he established local trade schools.
This Week in Jesuit History
May 3, 1945. American troops take over
Innsbruck, Austria. Theology studies at the Canisianum resume a few months
May 4, 1902. The death of Charles Sommervogel,
historian of the Society and editor of the bibliography of all publications of
the Jesuits from the beginnings of the Society onward.
May 5, 1782. At Coimbra, Sebastian Carvahlo,
Marquis de Pombal, a cruel persecutor of the Society in Portugal, died in
disgrace and exile. His body remained unburied fifty years, till Father Philip
Delvaux performed the last rites in 1832.
May 6, 1816. Letter of John Adams to Thomas
Jefferson mentioning the Jesuits. "If any congregation of men could merit
eternal perdition on earth and in hell, it is the company of Loyola."
May 7, 1547. Letter of St. Ignatius to the
scholastics at Coimbra on Religious Perfection.
May 8, 1853. The death of Jan Roothan, the 21st
general of the Society, who promoted the central role of the Spiritual
Exercises in the work of the Society after the restoration.
May 9, 1758. The 19th General Congregation
opened, the last of the Old Society. It elected Lorenzo Ricci as general.
Quinto Domingo de Pascua
Quinto Domingo de Pascua
03 de mayo 2015
Hechos 9: 26-31; Salmo 22; 1 Juan 3: 18-24; Juan 15: 1-8
Encontrar un mentor de confianza en la fe que hace la vida más fácil. Bernabé se convierte en mentor para que Saúl. Saúl llega a Jerusalén y trata de juntarse con los discípulos, pero ellos no confían en él porque persiguió a los cristianos públicamente. Los discípulos creen que Saúl podría dañar o matar. La intervención de Bernabé salva el día. Bernabé es un apóstol de confianza cuya protección de Pablo le dice a los demás que no tienen que temer las intenciones de Pablo. Bernabé se refiere la experiencia de Pablo del Señor resucitado a los discípulos. Esto permite a Pablo y Bernabé se muevan libremente en Jerusalén y para debatir los helenistas que quieren matarlo. Debido a que Pablo estaba en peligro, los discípulos, en su gran cuidado, deciden enviar a Pablo a Tarso para la seguridad.
En el Evangelio, Jesús busca la unidad con el creyente, que crece en la gracia de estar conectado a él. Un creyente no puede dar fruto por sí mismo; que está conectado con Jesús a través de la comunidad de fe al igual que una enredadera está conectado a sus ramas. La vid sustenta el crecimiento, al igual que la Eucaristía alimenta y nos nutre. Necesitamos a Cristo en la Eucaristía para dar forma a nuestro crecimiento. Este crecimiento necesita poda, que puede ser doloroso, pero nos permite ser más fructífera. Sin embargo, lo más importante es saber que alguien tiene la espalda. La sensación de protección nos permite avanzar en la libertad.
Muchas veces nos hacen nuestra fe privada y viajamos como individuos. Tenemos la libertad premio y mantener nuestros puntos de vista a nosotros mismos. La fe es solo cuando guardamos todo nuestro interior privado. Pertenecemos a una comunidad de fe y tenemos que confiar en su bondad porque pertenece a Jesucristo. Los escudos de la comunidad y nos protege y vela por nuestro bienestar. Es nuestra responsabilidad para dar forma a la comunidad y ser moldeado por ella. Podamos la comunidad cuando actúa sin piedad, compasión y comprensión y nos podamos por ella cuando actuamos de una manera que es contrario a la fe.
Queremos encontrar mentores que nos pueden servir de guía con las declaraciones honestas dadas en la caridad. Para algunos, esto podría ser un director espiritual que puede caminar con nosotros a través de un período de tiempo. Para otros, significa desarrollar una relación con un confesor para podar para convertirse en personas más fieles. Para otros aún, es encontrar una pequeña comunidad de fe para compartir la fe y el estudio. Es importante contar con una persona generativa nos forman, protegernos, alimentarnos, al igual que Bernabé hizo por Pablo y Jesús hace por nosotros. Tener una persona que hace la vida más fácil. Entonces vamos a mostrar al mundo que no nos gusta sólo de palabra de palabra, pero hecho y en verdad.
Mantener la alimentación de su corazón. Deja que tu corazón afirmar su fe y Dios te dará la confianza que permanezca en él y Dios permanece en vosotros. Cuando estamos en paz, la iglesia va a construir con nosotros y el Espíritu Santo nos llevará a nuevos lugares que nunca imaginamos que podíamos ir.
Temas para las misas de esta semana
Primera Lectura:
Lunes: (Hechos 14) Como Gentiles y Judios en Iconio estaban a punto de atacar a Pablo y Bernabé, huyeron a Listra donde Pablo sanó a un cojo.
Martes: (Hechos 14) La multitud comenzó a poner su fe en Pablo y Bernabé como dioses, pero los hombres protestó y contó la historia del acontecimiento de Cristo. La oposición a Pablo aumentó poco después y fue apedreado. Dejaron para Derbe para fortalecer a los discípulos en esas ciudades y los animaron durante sus tiempos de dificultades.
Miércoles: (Hechos 15) Algunos de oposición judía de Pablo planteó la cuestión de la circuncisión y la observancia de las leyes de Moisés. En el camino a Jerusalén para buscar el consejo de los apóstoles, dijeron a todo el mundo de la conversión de los gentiles.
Jueves: (Hechos 15) Después de mucho debate, Pedro y Santiago decidió que no hay más restricciones debían hacerse sobre los gentiles.
Viernes (Hechos 15) Los apóstoles y presbíteros eligieron representantes y los envió a Pablo y Bernabé con la palabra que los gentiles fueron efectivamente recibidos en la fe, sin las dificultades adicionales que les imponen. La gente estaba encantada con la buena noticia.
Sábado (Hechos 13) En Derbe y Listra, Pablo oyó hablar de un hombre llamado Timoteo que fue bien visto por los creyentes. Paul le había circuncidado y que viajó a Macedonia a proclamar la buena nueva.
Lunes: (Juan 14) En el discurso de despedida, Jesús asegura a sus discípulos que él permanecerá con ellos si mantienen sus mandamientos amarnos unos a otros.
Martes: (Juan 14) para acentuar su mensaje de consuelo, él les dice que enviará un defensor de enseñar y les recordará todo lo que les dijo.
Miércoles (Juan 15) Jesús les deja con la paz duradera que les ayudará a soportar muchos momentos difíciles. Esta paz nos va a permitir a la gente a permanecer cerca de él - orgánicamente como él es la vid y nosotros los sarmientos.
Jueves (Juan 15) restante cerca de Jesús nos permitirá compartir la alegría completa con otros.
Viernes (Juan 15) Jesús una vez más demuestra su amor a sus amigos diciendo que el verdadero amigo, el Buen Pastor, se ponga su vida por sus amigos.
Sábado (Juan 14) Sin embargo, incluso con el amor de Jesús, sus seguidores experimentará el odio en este mundo, pero como sus amigos y, como escogidos de Dios, su daño puede nunca dañar a las almas de un creyente.
Santos de la Semana
03 de mayo: Felipe y Santiago, Apóstoles (siglo I), estuvieron presentes a Jesús a través de todo su ministerio. Felipe fue nombrado como ser llamado de forma explícita. James se llama el Menor para distinguirlo de Santiago de Zebedeo. Poco se sabe de estos fundadores de nuestra fe.
04 de mayo: José María Rubio, SJ, sacerdote (1864-1929), es un jesuita conocido como el Apóstol de Madrid. Trabajó con los pobres trayéndolos los Ejercicios Espirituales y la dirección espiritual y estableció escuelas de comercio locales.
Esta semana en la historia de los jesuitas
• 3 de mayo de 1945. Las tropas estadounidenses se apoderan de Innsbruck, Austria. Estudios de teología en la Canisianum reanudar unos meses más tarde.
• 4 de mayo de 1902. La muerte de Carlos Sommervogel, historiador de la Sociedad y editor de la bibliografía de todas las publicaciones de los jesuitas desde los inicios de la Sociedad en adelante.
• 5 de mayo de 1782. En Coimbra, Sebastián Carvalho, marqués de Pombal, un cruel perseguidor de la Sociedad en Portugal, murió en desgracia y exilio. Su cuerpo permaneció insepulto cincuenta años hasta que el Padre Felipe Delvaux cabo los últimos ritos en 1832.
• 6 de mayo de 1816. Carta de John Adams a Thomas Jefferson mencionar los jesuitas. "Si alguna congregación de los hombres podría merecer la perdición eterna en la tierra y en el infierno, es la empresa de Loyola".
• 7 de mayo de 1547. Carta de San Ignacio a los escolásticos en Coimbra en la perfección religiosa.
• 8 de mayo de 1853. La muerte de Jan Roothan, el general 21 de la Sociedad, quien promovió el papel central de los Ejercicios Espirituales en la obra de la Sociedad después de la restauración.
• 9 de mayo de 1758. La 19ª Congregación General abrió, el último de la vieja sociedad. Se eligió a Lorenzo Ricci como general.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Prayer: Augustine
You are Christ, my tender God, my great king, my good shepherd, my only master, my best helper, my most beautiful and my beloved, my living bread, my priest forever, my leader to my country, my true light, my holy sweetness, my straight way, my excellent wisdom, my pure simplicity, my peaceful harmony, my entire protection, my good portion, my everlasting salvation.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Prayer: Abbot Gilbert of Hoyland
When, good Lord, will you manifest yourself to us in bright sunshine? Yes, we are slow to understand and slow to see. But we are quick to believe; and we believe that if you chose to reveal yourself to us, you could do so this very day. O Lord, please appear to us, at dawn or at dusk or at the height of day. Come to our table to mealtimes, that we may share our meal with you. Come to our bed, that we may share our rest with you. Come to us at prayers, that we may rejoice and be glad.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Prayer: Jerome
O Lord, show your mercy to me and gladden my heart. I am like the man on the way to Jericho who was overtaken by robbers, wounded, and left for dead. O Good Samaritan, come to my aid. I am like the sheep that went astray. O Good Shepherd, seek me out and bring me home in accord with your will. Let me dwell in your house all the days of my life and praise you forever and ever with those who are there.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Prayer: Gregory the Great, Easter Prayer
Dear Jesus, you paid the debt of Adam for us to the Eternal Father by your blood poured forth in loving-kindness. You cleared away the darkness of sin by your magnificent and radiant resurrection. You broke the bonds of death and rose from the grave as a conqueror. You reconciled heaven and earth. Our life had no hope of eternal happiness before your redeemed us. Your resurrection has washed away our sins, restored our innocence, and brought us joy. How inestimable is the tenderness of your love.
Friday, April 24, 2015
"Encouraging the dynamism initiated by GC34" from "Collaboration at the Heart of Mission" - Decree 6 of the Society of Jesus' General Congregation 35:
We are humbled and grateful that so many - inspired as we have been by the vocation of Ignatius and the tradition of the Society - have chosen both to work with us and to share our sense of mission and our passion to reach out to the men and women of our broken but lovable world. We are enriched by members of our own faith, but also by people from other religious traditions, those women and men of good will from all nations and cultures, with whom we labor in seeking a more just world. Rich is the harvest. In many countries, important Jesuit works depend largely on the generous, loyal, and skilled collaboration of women and men of diverse religious and humanistic convictions. As the Holy Father affirmed our ministry and mission, saying to us, "The Church needs you," we must in turn look to our collaborators in mission and say, with gratitude and affection, that the call we have received is a call shared by us together.
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