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Friday, October 18, 2024

Spirituality: The Third Week of the Synod

 This is the Third Week of the Synod of Bishops – the halfway point of this ecclesial meeting.

Cardinal Representation


The Pope is elevating bishops to the rank of Cardinals as a way of getting representation, especially of previously minority voices. One of those voices is Archbishop Shomali Gharib, the first cardinal of Palestinian origin. He serves as the archbishop of Santiago, Chile, where the largest number of people of Palestinian descent live outside of their homeland. Nearly two years ago, the head of the church in Jerusalem, Pizzaballa, was named as the Patriarch of the Holy Lands. The term Patriarch ranks above a bishop and is not a cardinal. The church continues to give voice to people in lands where Christians are minorities.


Synodal Proceedings


Two fundamental questions the Synod is examining are below. They are essentially “the issues under the issues.”


  1. What is the institutional church’s relationship to power?
  2. What is the institutional church’s relationship to the people of God?


The Youth


The voice of young people will be the protagonist of a unique web-projected dialogue, between university students from the U.S. and Europe and the leaders of #Synod2024. It will take place next Friday, October 18, at 5 p.m. directly from the Synod Hall in Rome.


Theological Pastoral Forum


Two “theological-pastoral forums” will take place on Wednesday, October 16, with the following themes: “The Mutual Relationship between the Local Church and the Universal Church.” 


Prayer and Peace-making


On Friday, October 11, an ecumenical prayer took place in the Square of the Roman Protomartyrs, presided by Pope Francis.


Italian Cardinal Matteo Zuppi is visiting Moscow to seek a path to peace in Ukraine and to facilitate the reunification of Ukrainian children with their families and the exchange of prisoners-of-war.


No Boundaries: Reimagined “Spaces”of relationship as places of encounter


Cardinal Hollerich focused on “Places,” with the fundamental idea that “the Church cannot be understood without being rooted in a place and a culture (IL, 80). Now, more than in the past, the idea of place “has much less of a spatial and geographic connotation than in the past, not least due to globalism and the new digital reality. He asked synod participants to consider what this means for the Church’s mission, and how we should “rethink” the organizational forms of the Church.


Spaces of human interaction offer opportunities for the Gospel to be lived and proclaimed.

The discussion centered on mission contexts, particularly cities and megacities, within a dynamic, not static, vision that also considers migration. 


Day 11


The Synod's General Assembly focused on the inclusion of people with disabilities, the role of women, and the severity of the climate emergency in Brazil.


Role of women in the Church in Brazil

Cardinal Steiner highlighted new paths emerging from the Synod. In Brazil, many women and permanent deacons actively lead communities in the Amazon. In the vast Archdiocese of Manaus, which stretches over 90,000 square kilometers, Cardinal Steiner noted that women have been crucial for more than 100 years in the absence of priests. He observed that many women lead communities, serve in ministries, and are deeply involved in charity work and prison ministry. Women represent an essential element of the Church, adding that without them, the Church would not be the same.


Regarding women deacons, Cardinal Steiner acknowledged that many women already function as de facto deacons. “Why not restore the ordained female diaconate?” he asked, noting that this role could complement that of male deacons. The issue, he said, is not about gender but about vocation.


Environmental crisis in Brazil

The Synod participants also discussed the environmental emergency in Brazil, especially the Amazon, where a month-long drought has rendered rivers unnavigable, isolating many communities. The situation is dire with water shortages affecting regions beyond the Amazon. He lamented the effects of predatory fishing and mercury pollution on the region’s delicate ecosystem.


Question on priestly celibacy

Responding celibacy of priests, the Brazilian Cardinal admitted the difficulty of working with only 172 priests for a thousand communities, and the need to deepen the relationship between community and ministry. Cardinal-elect Roberto Repole, Archbishop of Turin, added that thanks to the presence of bishops of the Eastern Churches, "there is a wealth of forms of ministry."


Reflecting the Global Church

Cardinal-elect Repole also spoke about the significance of the synodal process for his own diocese. The spiritual depth of the participants and the growing sense of camaraderie among them have left a strong impression on him.


The Synod reflects the universal nature of the Church, incorporating voices from diverse cultures while spreading the Gospel. Dr. Ruffini also touched on the inclusion of people with disabilities. Certainly, the subject is close to everyone's heart and more can be done. But when we talk about the marginalized, we also talk about people with disabilities."


Schedule of Conversations


The Synod participants are working hard and praying as they consider weighty church topics. They are advancing concepts that have not previously been part of the earlier conversations.


Day 11:      Focus on disabilities, women, and climate crisis

Day 10:      Focus on decision making

Day 9:        Care of relationships; Christian unity is a symbol of synodality and witness

Day 8:        Walking the path of Christian unity

Day 7:        The diaconate, Christian initiation, and aid to poorer churches

Day 6:        The role of bishops; Aid to Gaza

Day 5:        Embracing the pain of people suffering from war

Day 4:        Overcoming the fear of one another; becoming peacemakers

Day 3:        Lebanon’s message of forgiveness; an invitation to listen to all

Day 2:        The role of the bishop is ecumenical dialogue; pray for peace in Middle East

Day 1:        Study groups to present work and goals to larger gathering



Sources: Religion News Service, Tom Reese, S.J. and


General Secretariat for the Synod of Bishops

Via della Conciliazione, 34

Vatican City 00120

Vatican City State (Holy See)



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