Ignatian Spirituality: Set the World Ablaze

The Third Sunday in Advent
December 11, 2016
Isaiah 35: 1-6, 10; Psalm 146; James 5:7-10; Matthew
Today is called “Rejoice Sunday”
because we have reached the midpoint of Advent on our Christmas journey. It is
a day to stop, take a deep breath, and ready ourselves for the quickening of
God’s moment in Jerusalem.
We start with Isaiah who is
preparing the people for the long, arduous trip through the harsh Jordanian
desert. He strengthens them with hope and excitement as they see signs of God’s
unfolding presence in a parched land. The people will see miracles of the
natural world – a desert in bloom, but also, those afflicted with blindness,
deafness, and disability will be restored to wholeness. The people’s return
from a foreign land will be exultant. Everyone will know that the Lord has
saved them.
We then meet the disciples of John
the Baptist, who were sent to Jesus to ask if he was the promised One of God.
John could not go himself, because like the Israelites, they were imprisoned.
Jesus says: Look around. The signs are there. Believe. Now, let’s find this
particular passage in Scripture and find the stories that precede it. In
Matthew, Jesus just finished giving the powerful Sermon on the Mount that
outlines his philosophy. Immediately, he cures a leper, and then all kinds of
sick people are brought to him. He restored sight to a man born blind; he gave
hearing to a deaf man; he told the paralytic to walk after forgiving his sins.
Then he goes up mountain to pray and calls Twelve particular men to his inner
circle. He speaks about the Kingdom of Heaven when John’s disciples approach
In the consciousness of the people
who knew Jesus, they just witnessed the fulfillment of the promises in Isaiah.
They saw the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, the deaf hear. They know
Jesus is the promised One for whom John and all of Israel have been waiting.
What is John’s response? It was probably the same as yours. He rejoices. He
knows God has visited the people and that salvation is at hand. Jesus praised
John as the greatest man born of a woman. We can almost hear delight in the
voice of Jesus as he announces to the people: This is the chosen moment.
Like John and the Israelites, we are
imprisoned by our own sorrows and dysfunction, and we need brightness in our
day to lighten the mood. We can get
trapped in the weight of our problems and forget that the resurrection has
already occurred. Death and dying is part of our world, but it is not the
defining moment. Life is meaningful when we take the time to rejoice in the
beauty that God has given us, even in those times it is difficult to see.
Keep praying for the desire to
wonder a little more. Let yourself be enchanted by something small that fills
you with delight. Keep the curiosity in your life that John the Baptists’
disciples had when they went out in the desert to see him. Reclaim that
childlike part of you. You deserve a moment to be enveloped by God’s special
concern for you. Let God spoil you rotten as you wait for Christ to come with
fullness into your world.
Scripture for Daily Mass
(Zechariah 2) Rejoice, O daughter Zion. I am coming to dwell among you. The
Lord will possess Judah and he will again choose Jerusalem.
(Zephaniah 3) On that day, I will change and purify their lips that they may
call upon the name of the Lord. You shall not exalt yourself on my holy
(Isaiah 45) I am the Lord; there is no other; I form the light and create the
darkness. Turn to be and be safe all you ends of the earth for I am the Lord,
your God.
(Isaiah 54) Raise a glad cry, you barren one who did not bear, break forth in
jubilant song you who were not in labor.
(Isaiah 56) Observe what is right; do what is just; for my salvation is about
to come; my justice is about to be revealed.
(Genesis 49) Jacob said: You Judah, shall your brothers praise. The scepter
will never depart from you, or the mace from between your legs.
(Luke 1) The angel Gabriel was sent to a virgin betrothed to Joseph to announce
that the Holy Spirit would overpower her and she would conceive a son.
(Matthew 21) A man had two sons – one who said no, but did what his father
asked; the other who said yes, but did not do what he asked. Which son was
(Luke 7) The Baptist sent his disciples at ask: Are you the one who is to come?
Look around: the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, and the poor hear the
good news.
(Luke 7) Jesus asked: Why did you go out to see the Baptist? He is the greatest
of men born to women.
(John 5) The Baptist was a burning and shining lamp, and for a while you were
content to rejoice in his lift, but I have greater testimony than John’s.
(Matthew 1) The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the
son of Abraham. Jacob was the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary. Of her was
born Jesus.
Saints of the Week
December 12: The feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is celebrated to
remember the four apparitions to Juan Diego in 1531 near Mexico City shortly
after the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs. Mary appeared as a native Mexican
princess and her image is imprinted on a cloak that was presented to the
December 13: Lucy, martyr (d. 304), was born into a
noble Sicilian family and killed during the Diocletian persecution. In the
Middle Ages, people with eye trouble invoked her aid because her name means
"light." Scandinavia today still honors Lucy in a great festival of
light on this day.
December 14: John of the Cross, priest and doctor
(1542-1591), was a Carmelite who reformed his order with the help of Teresa
of Avila. They created the Discalced (without shoes) Carmelite Order that
offered a stricter interpretation of their rules. John was opposed by his
community and placed in prison for a year. He wrote the classics, "Ascent
of Mount Carmel," "Dark Night of the Soul," and "Living
Flame of Love."
Saints are not celebrated during the octave leading up to Christmas.
December 17 - O Wisdom, coming
forth from the mouth of our God Most High, guiding creation with power and
love: come to teach us the path of knowledge.
This Week in Jesuit History
Dec 11, 1686. At Rome, Fr. Charles de Noyelle, a
Belgian, died as the 12th general of the Society.
Dec 12, 1661. In the College of Clermont, Paris,
Fr. James Caret publicly defended the doctrine of papal infallibility, causing
great excitement among the Gallicans and Jansenists.
Dec 13, 1545. The opening of the Council of
Trent to which Frs. Laynez and Salmeron were sent as papal theologians and Fr.
Claude LeJay as theologian of Cardinal Otho Truchses.
Dec 14, 1979. The death of Riccardo Lombardi,
founder of the Better World Movement.
Dec 15, 1631. At Naples, during an earthquake
and the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, the Jesuits worked to help all classes of
Dec 16, 1544. Francis Xavier entered Cochin.
Dec 17, 1588. At Paris, Fr. Henry Walpole was
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