Daily Email

Monday, November 24, 2014

Poem: "What Harvest is Ever Gathered Without Your Hand?" by Hafiz

Who can turn from green to gold without your love?

What harvest is ever gathered without your hand there, Beloved, helping?

God will enter the rhythm of our prayers and remembrance but first there must be a natural repetition as we go about our holy labor, which is all work on Earth.

Graceful motion sings beyond what most pens can offer - at this beautiful feast that moves us always closer to the goal.

I am the mountains’ representative. I can speak for them on anyone's behalf, and extend all a vital link you  want with their majesty, that you can then adorn yourself with.

A king could change your life in many ways, but not half as much as an Emperor like me.
An army is a small toy in God's hand, a breath could come from Him or myself lll and it would run or fall.

Wise of you to spend time with Hafiz; something is bound to rub off. Or a flea that lives on me might bite you, and all I have - you catch


  1. "...as we go about our holy labor, which is all work on Earth." Imagine the difference in life around the world if everyone believed that their work was holy; if we saw each other as holy people of God; and if we saw Christ in each person. It is up to each of us to work towards this, which I believe Christ would call the kingdom of God. Blessings as we enter a new week.

  2. You are right. If we move towards the direction of where our eyes are pointed, our body and mind will go where they lead us. Let us look to Christ and find the dignity in our works.
