Deep peace of the running waves to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the smiling stars to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the watching shepherds to you.
Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you.
John Predmore, S.J., is a USA East Province Jesuit and was the pastor of Jordan's English language parish. He teaches art and directs BC High's adult spiritual formation programs. Formerly a retreat director in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Ignatian Spirituality is given through guided meditations, weekend-, 8-day, and 30-day Retreats based on The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Ignatian Spirituality serves the contemporary world as people strive to develop a friendship with God.
Daily Email
Monday, June 30, 2014
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Spirituality: A Case for God in our World
How do we make a case for God in our
world? Dozens
of Jesuit scholastics in the United States have had a class or two with Dr.
Paul Moser, the chair in the philosophy department at Loyola University Chicago.
A sharp analytic philosopher by training, Moser went through a long period of
agnostic doubt about God. Like doubting Thomas in today's Gospel passage, a
younger Moser was looking for more convincing evidence of God's existence and
work in the world. To paraphrase Bertrand Russell, if a morally perfect God
does exist, he has not given us enough evidence. Many bright, ethical people
have given up on religious belief for similar reasons.
But Moser began to challenge his own assumptions about how a God worthy
of worship would act, if such a God does exist. Moser's conclusion was that a
God worthy of worship would not be content with easy proofs, because then we
could observe God as mere spectators, like disinterested scientists in a lab.
At the same time, a God worthy of worship would not co-opt the free will of
those who claim God by forcing their hands to do good. Rather, this God would
invite humans to become living evidence (not conclusive proof) of a good God.
This invitation could only be heard by those who are disposed to listen for
that interior call. The challenge is that responding to God's call requires a
change of heart, such that people no longer live for themselves but for others.
"Such non-coercive empowering of what we may call 'agape transformation'
would aim for cooperative divine-human fellowship," that models, however
imperfectly and briefly, God's morally perfect character (Paul Moser,
"Evidence for God," 215). Put simply: to our modern world, the most
compelling evidence for God is a life well-lived by those who claim God.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Prayer: John Henry Cardinal Newman
O God, I need you to teach
me day by day according to each day’s opportunities and needs. My ears are dull
so that I cannot hear your voice. My eyes are dim so that I cannot see your
tokens. You alone can quicken my hearing and purge my sight and cleanse and
renew my heart. Teach me to sit at your feet and to hear your word.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Spirituality: Evelyn Underhill
All things are perceived in the light of charity, and hence under the aspect of beauty; for beauty is simply reality seen with the eyes of love.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Spirituality: Pope Benedict's Address to the Jesuits in 2008
Address of Pope Benedict XVI to the 35th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus on February 21, 2008:
From the letter "To the Jesuits in Parish Ministry" in Japan by Jesuit Father Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, 29th Superior General of the Society of Jesus, on August 27, 2005:
Collaboration also means openness to ... collaborative ministry with lay people, priests and religious. This new vision of empowerment, delegating, forming for responsibility and teamwork are needed basic attitudes. Working together as a team among ourselves as Jesuits and collaborating in mission with others requires a deep continual conversion. This is true for us, Jesuits, as well as for all those who share our mission. We are called to learn to work together as a team, to discover new styles of leadership, and to share the same mission. Deeply ingrained attitudes from years of living and working alone ... truly make this challenge harder.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Saints Peter and Paul (Thirteenth Week of Ordinary Time)
Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Saints Peter and
June 29, 2014
Acts 12:1-11; Psalm
34;2 Timothy4:6-8, 17-18; Matthew 16:13-19
celebrate this day because it marks an important turning point in Ignatius of
Loyola’s life. Full of fever and near death from the injuries he received at
the Battle of Pamplona against the French, Ignatius prayed fervently to the
Lord and on this day his fever broke, which marked a crucial turning point in
his recovery. It underscores the fervor of his prayer and is the starting point
for his gratitude to God for saving his life and giving him a second chance –
to go onwards and upwards so that the world might be set ablaze with the
consuming fire of Christ’s love for us. The prayer of Ignatius irrevocably
altered the church for the better.
The feast of
Saints Peter and Paul teach us about our need of prayerful solidarity for one
another. Prayer will reveal to us what our minds and hearts cannot teach
ourselves. It opens our confined worlds to the larger reality surrounding us. In
the story about Peter in Acts, the prayer of the whole church was made on
behalf of the imprisoned Peter after King Herod killed James by the sword. It may have been the anniversary of the death of Jesus as it
occurred on the feast of the Unleavened Bread. The power of prayer was obvious
to non-believers and believers alike and it is credited for an angel of the
Lord leading Peter into freedom and safety.
With Paul, you can sense the entire community’s rock-solid tearful
support as he readies for his departure from them. They all recognize his righteous
life will come to an unjust end. The people stand with him in prayer as Paul
stands in solidarity with Jesus, who was always faithful to him. You can feel
the depth of the close, intimate, personal relationship they shared. The love
of Jesus overflows into the community too. This is the Eucharistic communion we
pray for during each mass. This is the purpose and effect of prayer. Despite
for foreboding future, Paul leaves for his final leg of the journey content
that his unexpected life has been fulfilled.
In the Gospel, sustained prayer is the only way that Peter can
answer the question posed to him by Jesus, “But who do you say that I am?” Jesus
is reminding Peter that we can be distracted by the many voices that hold
authority over us, but that voice of God is the only one that matters in the
short and long run. We have to get used to hearing that voice and we do that
through prayer. When we come to know that familiar pattern, the soft touch, the
warm embrace of Jesus, then our fears and anxieties are lessened. When we
identify the routine methods God communicates with us, all the other voices are
filtered out and we pay attention to the only one that matters. This is the voice
Peter and Paul trusted; throughout the millennia, the saints listened to this
voice; it is the same voice we need to hear. We need to wake up each morning
and hear God’s gentle voice in the first instance. It is like hearing the voice
of our best friend greet us to a new day. With that assurance, nothing can
distress us.
Look at the good example Jesus gives us in his dealing with Peter.
He calls forth from Peter an answer from his personal experience of prayer. He
asks, “How does your faith inform you?” Peter cannot answer this question
without having a deepening relationship with God. The other voices around him
tell him John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets, but Peter
has to rely upon what he knows: that the God of Creation sent Jesus to them as
Messiah. The questioning and listening of Jesus helps Peter along in the faith
and it is because he has progressed in the spiritual life that Jesus builds his
church upon his maturing faith.
So, if we are to live like Jesus, we are to help one another come
to a deeper faith by developing each other’s prayer. Paul is content he has
done that. He has run the race and has worked tirelessly and he is very pleased
that the community is a praying one because those who pray have the resources
to solve their own problems. Paul made sure the community did not orient their
whole lives around him; Peter did the same thing as he built up the church. He
built the church of Jesus Christ, not of himself. Every church leader’s job is
to give the people to themselves and to teach them to pray. The community
should never be centered around a particular priest, but on Jesus Christ – the
true leader of the church. Every believer’s job is to direct another believer
to Jesus so that they can answer that famous question for themselves: “Who do
you say that I am?”
As I prepare to leave Jordan, my fervent prayer is that I helped
you to pray better and to access Christ as a personal friend and Savior. I have
seen so many positive developments within the community and I have tried to
give you as a gift to one another. I tried to make your faith life center around the
risen Jesus of Nazareth, not around me, and I can see the many ways we will
always remain connected to one another through the Eucharist – the saving
sacrament of unity. I, like Paul, feel content that I have given what I can to
you. I, like Peter, have tried to build his immigrant church on the solid
ground of Christ. It seems fitting that I depart from you on this feast of Peter
and Paul, the church of the apostles, the feast that was the turning point in
Ignatius’ maturity in the faith. He went on to do great things, as I know you
will because you are rooted and grounded in love, and Christ remains here with
you. That is very evident to me. Our prayer, our maturing faith, our
Eucharistic communion, bonds us to one another forever and for that I am very
grateful to God. It makes my heart sing, but God’s song is even more beautiful.
I see Christ when I see you and it reminds me of the Jesuit poet
Gerard Manley Hopkins’ God’s Grandeur: “I say more: the just man justices;
Keeps grace; that keeps all his goings graces; Acts is God’s eye what in God’s
eye he is – Christ – for Christ plays in ten thousand places, lovely in limbs,
and lovely in limbs not his, to the Father through the features of men’s
faces.” Keep looking for Christ. He is in you and your neighbor, and you’ll
live in harmony. Salam!
Themes for this Week’s Masses
First Reading: In the Book of Amos, the Lord reminds the
Israelites of his power, but that he chooses to use it judiciously and with
mercy. The Lord reminds them of the ways he has been active in their lives,
bringing punishment and blessings, in order to get the people to turn to him.
The Lord wants the people to meet their God. He asks them to always seek good
and not evil, that they may live. The Lord wants upstanding people to care for
one another and does not care about hollow offerings of sacrifice. ~ On the
feast of Thomas, Ephesians tells us that we are no longer strangers and
sojourners, but fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household
of God. ~ The Lord sends a message to those who trample upon the needy and destroy
the poor of the land: The days of famine are coming and the people will wander
from sea to sea and rove from north to south in search of the word of the Lord,
but they shall not find it. On the Day of the Lord, the fallen hut of David
will be raised and the fortune of the repentant will be restored.
Gospel: When the crowds pressed in on Jesus, he got into a
boat and went to the other shore. He reminded his followers that he has no
place to lay his head because there is so much work around him. As he set out
into the sea, a violent storm came up and threatened to swamp the boat. The
disciples asked him to save them and he quieted the winds and the sea. On the
other side, two Gadarene demoniacs from the tombs came to meet him. They
recognized his authority over them and asked to be sent into a herd of swine.
When it happened, they rushed down to the sea and drowned. ~ On the feast of
Thomas, Didymus, one of the Twelve, the twin, doubted that Jesus had risen from
the dead. When he assembled with the other 10, he proclaimed Jesus to be “My
Lord and My God.” ~ Jesus passed by a man named Matthew sitting at the customs
post and called him as a disciple. The Pharisees complained that Jesus ate with
tax collectors and sinners. John’s disciples also asked why the disciple of
Jesus ate and drank, but Jesus said there is to be no fasting when the
bridegroom is among them.
Saints of the Week
June 29: Peter and Paul, apostles (first century) are lumped together for a
feast day because of their extreme importance to the early and contemporary
church. Upon Peter's faith was the church built; Paul's efforts to bring
Gentiles into the faith and to lay out a moral code was important for
successive generations. It is right that they are joined together as their work
is one, but with two prongs. For Jesuits, this is a day that Ignatius began to
recover from his illness after the wounds he sustained at Pamplona. It marked a
turning point in his recovery.
June 30: The First Holy Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church (c. 64) were martyrs
under Nero's persecution in 64. Nero reacted to the great fire in Rome by
falsely accusing Christians of setting it. While no one believed Nero's
assertions, Christians were humiliated and condemned to death in horrible ways.
This day always follows the feast of the martyrs, Sts. Peter and Paul.
July 1: Junipero Serra, priest, was a Franciscan missionary who
founded missions in Baja and traveled north to California starting in 1768. The
Franciscans established the missions during the suppression of the Jesuits. San
Diego, San Francisco, and Santa Clara are among the most famous. Serra’s statue
is in the U.S. Capitol to represent California.
July 2: Bernard Realino, John
Francis Regis, Francis Jerome, S.J. are known for their preaching skills
that drew many to the faith, including many French Hugeunots. Regis and his
companions preached Catholic doctrine to children and assisted many struck by
the plague in Frances. Regis University in Denver, Colorado is named after John
July 3: Thomas, apostle,
is thought to have been an apostle to India and Pakistan and he is best
remembered as the one who “doubted” the resurrection of Jesus. The Gospels,
however, testify to his faithfulness to Jesus during his ministry. The name,
Thomas, stands for “twin,” but no mention is made of his twin’s identity.
July 5: Elizabeth of Portugal (1271-1336), was from the kingdom of Aragon
begore she married Denis, king of Portugal, at age 12. Her son twice rebelled
against the king and Elizabeth helped them reconcile. After he husband's death,
she gave up her rank and joined the Poor Clares for a life of simplicity.
July 5: Anthony Mary Zaccaria, priest (1502-1539) was a medical doctor who
founded the Barnabites because of his devotion to Paul and Barnabas and the
Angelics of St. Paul, a woman's cloistered order. He encouraged the laity to
work alongside the clergy to care for the poor.
This Week in Jesuit History
Jun 29, 1880. In France the law of spoliation,
which was passed at the end of March, came into effect and all the Jesuit
Houses and Colleges were suppressed.
Jun 30, 1829. The opening of the Twenty-first
General Congregation of the order, which elected Fr. John Roothan as General.
Jul 1, 1556. The beginning of St Ignatius's last
illness. He saw his three great desires fulfilled: confirmation of the
Institute, papal approval of the Spiritual Exercises, and acceptance of the
Constitutions by the whole Society.
Jul 2, 1928. The Missouri Province was divided
into the Missouri Province and the Chicago Province. In 1955 there would be a
further subdivision: Missouri divided into Missouri and Wisconsin; Chicago
divided into Chicago and Detroit.
Jul 3, 1580. Queen Elizabeth I issued a statute
forbidding all Jesuits to enter England.
Jul 4, 1648. The martyrdom in Canada of Anthony
Daniel who was shot with arrows and thrown into flames by the Iroquois.
Jul 5, 1592. The arrest of Fr. Robert Southwell
at Uxenden Manor, the house of Mr Bellamy. Tortured and then transferred to the
Tower, he remained there for two and a half years.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Poem: "The Birth of John the Baptist" by Ava
Then the woman got up and left
and came to another town,
into a house which was
the wife of Zachary.
There the good women lived,
the purest mothers,
until God willed
that Elizabeth should give birth.
When she bore the child,
many people rejoiced at the birth.
Truly relatives and friends
gathered together there
and named him Zachary.
That name was changed very quickly;
his mother said to ask
that they name him John.
Then an argument arose about the name
among those who had come there.
They said: “That name is unusual;
in this clan no one is called that.”
Then Zachary made a sign
since he was well aware of it.
The man did not hesitate
but took a tablet in his hand.
He wrote the name of the child:
His name is John.
When the child was circumcised,
as was the custom in those times,
at that very hour,
his tongue was loosed.
Then Zachary spoke
– he was filled with the Holy Spirit –
and what he prophesied was
the psalm Benedictus.
At matins is sung that song of praise.
Now let us say: To God be thanks.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Poem: "A Voice Cries in the Wilderness" by Penelope Randolph
A voice cries in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord.”
A voice cries: “In the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord.”
Where is that voice? In the wilderness.
And where do we prepare?
In the wilderness.
But oh! Such wilderness I fear
For aching empty loneliness lies throbbing there.
Where is my wilderness, dear Lord?
It waits within.
I cannot stop to look too long:
I’m weak, not strong,
And my voice cries world’s pain too loud for me to hear your song.
I dare not stop to step inside. In pride
I try to silence echoed cries
with blatant busy-ness’ disguise.
I badinage the gaping wound you’d long since found.
Oh, Lord! How clumsily, compulsively, I’ve tried...
And still your holy wilderness will not be civilized.
The voice that cries (my own, the Baptist’s, yours,)
Cannot be stilled. It cannot be denied.
Throughout this wilderness, my God,
You walk with me each step of hope and fear.
Your promise comes to us each day of every year,
And pregnant with these cries, we have a choice:
We can deny the Child
Or carry wild-erness to birth and sing that voice.
That voice cries out: ”Prepare.”
By love laid bare,
We rest
And find you waiting there.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Spirituality: Frederick Buechner, "Listening to Your Life"
Dying and dissolution continue to strike fear in me. Death itself does not. Ten years ago if somebody had offered me a vigorous, healthy life that would never end, I would have said yes. Today I think I would say no. I love my life as much as I ever did and will cling on to it for as long as I can, but life without death has become as unthinkable to me as day without night or waking without sleep.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Poem: "Where?" by R. S. Thomas
Where to turn without turning
to stone? From the one side
history's Medusa stares,
from the other one love
on its cross. While the heart
fills not with light
from the mind, but with the shadow
too much of sun light casts.
to stone? From the one side
history's Medusa stares,
from the other one love
on its cross. While the heart
fills not with light
from the mind, but with the shadow
too much of sun light casts.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Spirituality: An Examen
Quieting myself, I become aware that I am in Your presence, O God.
I imagine You looking at me and me looking at You, loving me.
Loving God, open my eyes and ears to see where You have been with me
for these past two weeks.
As I reflect on this prayer experience, I realize that everything I have,
even myself, is a gift from You.
Let me allow You to bring to my awareness all that You want to show me.
For the times that were life-giving, I express my gratitude to You.
I am still learning to grow in Your love.
Forgive me for the times when I chose not to respond to Your invitations to love.
With gratitude to You, I ask for what I really want and need
as I move into the next phase of this prayer experience. Amen.
I imagine You looking at me and me looking at You, loving me.
Loving God, open my eyes and ears to see where You have been with me
for these past two weeks.
As I reflect on this prayer experience, I realize that everything I have,
even myself, is a gift from You.
Let me allow You to bring to my awareness all that You want to show me.
For the times that were life-giving, I express my gratitude to You.
I am still learning to grow in Your love.
Forgive me for the times when I chose not to respond to Your invitations to love.
With gratitude to You, I ask for what I really want and need
as I move into the next phase of this prayer experience. Amen.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Spirituality: "God's Veiled Purpose"
All creatures live by the hand of God. The senses can only grasp the work of [man], but faith sees the work of divine action in everything. It sees that Jesus Christ lives in all things, extending his influence over the centuries so that the briefest moment and the tiniest atom contain a portion of that hidden life and its mysterious work. Jesus Christ, after his resurrection, surprised the disciples when he appeared before them in disguise, only to vanish as soon as he had declared himself. The same Jesus still lives and works among us, still surprises souls whose faith is not sufficiently pure and strong. There is no moment when God is not manifest in the form of some affliction, obligation, or duty.
Everything that happens to us, in us, and through us, embraces and conceals God’s divine but veiled purpose, so that we are always being taken by surprise and never recognize it until it has been accomplished. If we could pierce that veil and if we were vigilant and attentive, God would unceasingly reveal himself to us and we would rejoice in his works and in all that happens to us. We would say to everything: “It is the Lord!” And we would discover that every circumstance is a gift from God; that human beings, frail creatures though we are, will never lack anything; and that God’s unceasing concern is to give them what is best for them. If we had faith, we would be grateful to all creatures, we would bless them and inwardly thank them for contributing, under God’s hand, so favorably to our perfection.
Jean Pierre de Caussade, S.J., Sacrament of the Present Moment, page 44.
Jean Pierre de Caussade, S.J., Sacrament of the Present Moment, page 44.
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