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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Prayer: Pedro Arrupe, S.J.

The Jesuit seeks not only to imitate Jesus Christ; he also seeks to Christy the world, to contribute, in the small measure of his powers and of the grace with which God calls him, to the realization of the plan of God, who wishes “to recapitulate all things in Christ.”

Our whole vision of things, of our possibilities and aspirations, ought to take account of this; otherwise, we will be fearful and lose courage in the face of a world which, after having felt itself immensely great and powerful by the unfolding of its science and technology, finds itself often helpless to realize love and justice. The believing Christian has the consciousness of being immensely strong, by the grace of God that lives in him, and capable of following the infinite example of love given him by the whole life of Jesus Christ.

And as we know by faith, grace is destined to culminate, after death and beyond all the bounds of human life, in the vision of God, in which finally will be revealed also what we are, in love without limits and without selfishness. God will be all in all, and we shall realize ourselves in him, the Total Christ attained in plenitude.

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