Spirituality: Set the World Ablaze

The Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time
February 26, 2017
Isaiah 49:14-15;
Psalm 62; 1 Corinthians 4:1-5; Matthew 6:24-34
For many of us, we really do not
trust God. Listen to the assurances we have from Scripture, but we still cannot
believe in God’s word to us. Isaiah says of God: “Can a mother forget her
child? Even if that is possible, God cannot forget you.” The Psalm reminds us
that our soul can only find rest in God.
Paul implores us to be protectors of the mysteries of God and to suspend
negative judgments we make of others, while the Gospel says, “Relax. God is in
control. You are not. Diminish the drama in your life and let God’s life be
shown through you.” It seems that with all the words reminding us of God’s
favor, we still try to control what is simply beyond our grasp.
We worry too much and let drama ruin
our peace. In the confessional, I often hear of the anguish people hold onto
because of a sin someone has committed against them and they are unable to
adequately express their feelings. They have been stripped of their power to
strike back at the person or to reconcile effectively. Instead, they plot and
they rehearse how they intend to get the upper hand in the future. They spend
far too much time of reliving the drama and feeling responsible for the sin
done to them. They cannot express their anger to the person who is controlling
them because of the unequal power dynamic in the relationship. Therefore, they
stew, pout, gossip, and speak with bitterness. This is not the way forward. We
have to stop and change our approach and we will do it if we really truly
believe in God.
What is one reason we do not trust
God enough? We believe too firmly in our own power. We say: If I can only say
the right words, if I can make the right actions, I will get control of the
situation, or we say: If you only did what I asked you to do, we would not be
in this mess. We need to trust less our own ability to get things right so we
can trust God more fully. If I get out of the way, God can have room to act,
but if I shut out God’s actions, how do I expect God to be operative? We cannot
only give God a minor role while we try to control so many of the activities,
but God patiently waits for us as we fill our time with far too many
unnecessary activities. Let go a little bit so we can know of God’s presence.
We need to value time better. We
need to be patient. If something is bothering us today, will it be important to
us in three years? If not, let it go. We do not have to engage every battle.
Time takes care of a lot of our issues, so if we give the issues less energy,
we will be happier. Consider, for instance, the tensions in our church and
society. No matter what you do, your actions will not lessen the tensions. They
have existed since the beginning of the church and they will continue well
after we are long gone. Why do we care so much about it then? Recognize when you
have power and use it well; recognize the times and places you do not have
power and let it go. Solving the world’s problems does not rely upon our worry
and anxiety. Our control is exerted in our own small corner of the world. Use
your authority to bring about your own peace. Peace comes from God, and God
wants you to enjoy it.
Be like the lilies. They only soak
in the goodness God offers. It is that simple. Faith in God will satisfy us,
and developing faith takes time and a constant handing over of our cares and
worries to the One who hears us. Seek God’s righteousness and God will provide.
That’s it. Enjoy life more. Appreciate the goodness that is around you. Your
serenity and your confidence will grow, and you find your trust in God has
grown. Be at peace, my friends. Value your peace of mind and live in God’s
Scripture for Daily Mass
(Sirach 17) To the penitent, God provides a way back; God encourages those who
are losing hope and has chosen for them the lot of truth.
(Sirach 35) The Lord is one who repays, and he will give back to you sevenfold,
but offer no bribes. These he does not accept.
(Joel 2) Return to me with your whole heart with fasting, weeping, and mourning.
(Deuteronomy 30) I have set before you life and prosperity, death and doom. If
you obey the commandments, you will live and grow numerous, and you will be
(Isaiah 58) Lift your voice like a trumpet. Here is how to fast: unbind the
unjustly prisoned, set free the oppressed, share your bread, and clothe the
(Isaiah 58) Remove oppression, false accusation, and malicious speech. If you
give the hungry good and satisfy the afflicted, God’s light will shine upon
(Mark 10) Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? You lack one
thing: God, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure
in heaven.
(Mark 10) Peter said, “We have given up everything to follow you.” Anyone who
has given up everything for my sake and the sake of the Gospel will receive the
kingdom in full.
(Matthew 6) Pray and give alms in secret and your Father, who sees everything
in secret, will be the one to see you.
(Luke 9) The Son of Man must suffer greatly; If anyone wishes to come after me,
he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
(Matthew 9) Why do John’s disciples fast and we do not? Do the guests mourn
when the bridegroom is with them.
(Luke 5) Jesus called Levi, the tax collector, to become a disciple. To answer
protests, Jesus said, “I came to call the sick and the needy, not the righteous
and strong.”
Saints of the Week
28: Mardi Gras is your last chance to eat meat before
Lent. This is the last day of Carnival (Carne- meat, Goodbye – vale). Say
goodbye to meat as we begin the fasting practices tomorrow.
March 1: Ash Wednesday is the customary beginning to the season of Lent. A penitential time marked by increased fasting, prayer and almsgiving, we begin our 40-day tradition of sacrifice as we walk the way of Jesus that ends at the Cross during Holy Week. Lent is a time of conversion, a time to deepen one’s relationship with Christ, for all roads lead to his Cross of Suffering and Glory.
March 1: Ash Wednesday is the customary beginning to the season of Lent. A penitential time marked by increased fasting, prayer and almsgiving, we begin our 40-day tradition of sacrifice as we walk the way of Jesus that ends at the Cross during Holy Week. Lent is a time of conversion, a time to deepen one’s relationship with Christ, for all roads lead to his Cross of Suffering and Glory.
March 1: Katherine Drexel (1858-1955) was from a wealthy Philadelphian
banking family and she and her two sisters inherited a great sum of money when
her parents died. She joined the Sisters of Mercy and wanted to found her own
order called the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament to work among the African and
Native Americans. Her inheritance funded schools and missions throughout the
South and on reservations. A heart attack in 1935 sent her into retirement.
This Week in Jesuit History
Feb 26, 1611. The death of Antonio Possevino,
sent by Pope Gregory XIII on many important embassies to Sweden, Russia,
Poland, and Germany. In addition to founding colleges and seminaries in Cracow,
Olmutz, Prague, Braunsberg, and Vilna, he found time to write 24 books.
Feb 27, 1767. Charles III banished the Society
from Spain and seized its property.
Feb 28, 1957. The Jesuit Volunteer Corps began.
Mar 1, 1549. At Gandia, the opening of a college
of the Society founded by St Francis Borgia.
Mar 2, 1606. The martyrdom in the Tower of
London of St Nicholas Owen, a brother nicknamed "Little John." For 26
years he constructed hiding places for priests in homes throughout England.
Despite severe torture he never revealed the location of these safe places.
Mar 3, 1595. Clement VIII raised Fr. Robert
Bellarmine to the Cardinalate, saying that the Church had not his equal in
Mar 4, 1873. At Rome, the government officials
presented themselves at the Professed House of the Gesu for the purpose of
appropriating the greater part of the building.
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