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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Where will you Flee?

Alas, my mind, where will you flee at last, where shall I find refreshment? Should I stay here, or do I desire mountain and hill at my back? In all the world there is not counsel, and in my heart remains the pain of my misdeed, since the servant has denied the Lord.

Peter, while his conscience slept, thrice denied his Savior; when it woke we wept bitterly at his base behavior; Jesus never let me forget, true devotion teach me; when on evil I am set, through my conscience reach me.

Christ, through whom we all are blest, knew no evil doing. For us he was taken in the night like a thief, led before the godless throng and falsely accused, scorned, shamed, and spat upon, as the Scripture says.

St. John's Passion

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