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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Feast: All Saints and Blessed of the Society of Jesus

November is the month to remember our beloved dead. We begin with All Saints Day on November 1st, followed by All Souls Day on November 2nd, and the Jesuits have our own family celebration on November 5th - a day to affectionately remember our brothers who have been canonized and beatified. The Jesuits have 45 saints and 140 blessed and there are many more Jesuits whose love of God and devoted service has been rewarded by God. We rejoice with our brothers who have achieved the goal that each of us on earth still strives to attain.

The following is the preface of the Mass in honor of All Saints and Blessed:

Holy Father, almighty and eternal God,
it is indeed right, and the way to salvation,
to thank you at all times and in every place.

As we pass through this changing world
on pilgrimage to heaven,
you point out to us, each in his own calling,
the sure path to perfect union with your Son
through the Saints and Blessed of our Society.
In our work to advance your kingdom
you have given them to us
as our inspiration and example,
as our patrons and friends,
as our companions in adoration.
Sustained by their prayers,
our Society is to go forward in strength,
advancing your glory throughout the world,
and working with greater zeal
at the task you have assigned to it.

We join the angels and saints in their
great hymn of praise.

If a deceased Jesuit has been meaningful to you,
I invite you to make a special prayer in his honor today.

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