Monday, August 6, 2012

Spirituality: Constitutions pp. 22-23

The end result of his God-given natural character and temperament, his infused contemplation, his university studies, and his experiences in founding and organizing the Society was a mysticism which impelled him not merely toward love of God in contemplative solitude but also toward service through love. Intense union with God within the soul was combined with a powerful orientation toward apostolic activity.... His ideal of apostolic spirituality was to seek and find God in all things.


  1. Seeking and finding God in all things is a transformative way of living the one life that God has given us. I am grateful for this insight of St. Ignatius for it has provided affirmation to me of how I had been perceiving life but had been considered very naive in my faith for doing so.

  2. Lynda, It is all so simple. Simplicity is not naivete, but wisdom. Ignatius wants us all to find God in all things, especially through our use of senses. We are more like panentheists than pantheists.

    1. I really appreciate your sentence: "Simplicity is not naivete, but wisdom." Thank you for this affirmation.

    2. You are welcome. Matthew 11:25-30 emphasizes this point. "Learn from me for I am gentle and humble of heart and you will find rest for your souls."
