Sunday, February 16, 2025

Spirituality: Tomas Halik, on Pope Francis

Pope Francis is the great prophet of our time, on of the greatest popes in Church history. No one is doing more to build bridges between cultures than Pope Francis. His encyclical "Fratelli Tutti" could play a role in the twenty-first century similar to that played by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the twentieth century. His call for synodal renewal of the Church can mean much more than the transformation of the Chursch from a rigid clerical bureaucratic organization into a flexible network of mutual communication. Synodality is a common journey; it is meant to renew, revive, and deepen communication, and not only within the Church. It is also about the Church's ability to communicate with other system in society, with other cultures and religions, with the whole human family, an with the planet we inhabit: to perceive the ongoing symphony of creation. It can also inspire the transformation of the process of globalization into a process of sharing and solidarity.

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