Friday, January 31, 2025

Prayer: Apostleship of the Sea in the United States

Let us thank God, the giver of all good gifts, for seafarers who leave their families, friends and homes to bring us the good for our table, the cargoes for industry and commerce, the coal and fuels for our country. May we in our turn care for them and their families, and hold them in our prayers so all may sail in safety, and return home to their loved ones. 

 We pray for all who work in shipping, in management, in unions, in support industries and services. May their work be valued and rewarded with success and a greater understanding by those who benefit from their gifts and skills. 

 We pray for all who are in darkness or despair, at home or at sea, in hospital or in prison. May be do everything we can to bring the love of God, the light of Christ and the comfort of the Holy Spirit to them. May they find light in their darkness and hope in their despair.

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