Thursday, June 20, 2024

Spirituality: Oscar Romero

 It is not my poor word that sows hope and faith; I am no more than God’s humble echo in this people, speaking to those chosen as God’s scourges, who practice violence in so many ways. But let them beware.

 When God no longer needs them, he will cast them into the fire. Let them instead be converted in time.

 And to those who suffer the scourges and do not understand the why of the injustices and abuses: Have faith. Give yourselves, will and mind and heart, entire. God has his time. Our missing ones are not missing to God’s eyes, and those who have taken them away are present also to God’s justice. For all of them, and for a world that suffers uncertainty, let us pray for the assurance of faith. 

OCTOBER 2, 1977

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