Thursday, May 30, 2024

Prayer: Sr. Joyce Rupp (adapted)

                              May the Gospel teachings resound in 

   your thoughts…
May you listen closely to how God
   invites you to grow spiritually…
May you slow down and look more
   intently in order to find
   God’s movement in your life…
May you carry any cross of difficulty
   with courage, trusting God’s
   strength to uphold you…
May your service be so intertwined
   with God that this love overflows
   from your heart…
May you keep turning your heart to
   God and allow this love to be reflected
   in the way you live your life…
May you welcome God’s companionship
   and guidance as you travel the path 
   of life… and so…
Return with all your heart…
Remember, the Holy Spirit dwells in you.
         Be at peace.

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