Tuesday, February 8, 2022

An Update on the Synod

An Update on the Synod.

On January 26th, A Synod of Bishops met for an update on the roll-out of the synod. They reported that 98% of the Bishops Conferences and the Synods of Eastern Churches worldwide appointed a person or team to implement the synod.

At the Global Level

The laity and consecrated communities are showing great enthusiasm. Respondents say it brings joy and hope of a true transformation in their feeling of belonging to an ecclesial community. The process has been welcomed with enthusiasm in several African, Latin American, and Asian countries, and people appreciate the extension of the listening phase. Some difficulties have been that not all documents have been translated into the local language or there is great distance between ecclesial communities.

The ecumenical dimension was been well integrated and appears to be a natural, organic process where Christians are in the minority.

A consistent effort has been made to promote communication through various media and online platforms.


Many of the faithful perceive this synodal process as a crucial moment in the Church’s life, as well as a learning process and an opportunity for conversion and the renewal of ecclesial life. Fears and reticence are reported among some groups of the faithful and among the clergy. Some lay participants doubt that their contributions will really be taken into consideration.

The pandemic is a significant obstacle, limiting the ability to meet in person. The consultation with the People of God cannot be reduced to a mere questionnaire because the real challenge of synodality is, precisely, mutual listening and communal discernment.
Other recurring challenges are:

1)    the need for formation, especially in listening and discernment;

2)    avoiding the temptation to be self-referential in group meetings so that this mutual listening, which finds its foundation in prayer and listening to the Word of God, will lead to opening ourselves to others with a view to proclaiming the Gospel. A synodal church is a missionary church where every single baptized person feels co-responsible for the mission of the Church;

3)    finding ways to improve the participation of young people;

4)    involving those who live on the margins of ecclesial institutions;

5)    the reluctance of some clergy.

In this new process there is much joy and dynamism. There is awareness that synodal conversion to which all the baptized are called in a lengthy process that will prolong itself beyond 2023. It is the hope that this synod will continue at the local level for some time in the future.

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