Friday, June 11, 2021

End-of-Year Homily

As we come to the end of this historic year, we stand on the threshold of what is past and what is yet to come, and because our lives are about daily saying “yes” to Christ, we step forward with great gratitude and appreciation. Saying “yes” requires courage to be open to Christ’s invitations to us. Fear, regrets, diminishment of spirit, are not of trusting in Christ, but a heart open to the world that is ripe with possibilities leads us to love the world better, to love those we serve, and to love each other. 

Thresholds are moments in time that are neither the past nor the future; they are just “the now.” They are thin places, liminal places, that keep us aware that we exist in God’s kingdom on earth and in heaven. These are moments when God’s presence is made know to us through grace, and they lead us to a greater awareness of God’s love, and love always impels us towards universal communion. This love calls for growth in openness and the ability to accept others as part of a continuing adventure that makes every periphery converge in a greater sense of mutual belonging. We are all brothers. 

Last year, we began at Morrissey Boulevard with a full complement of community members and throughout the summer, we will experience some of us moving onwards to new missions, new opportunities. These are all invitations to see Christ at work in ten-thousand places. These are new opportunities to expand to the frontiers, where in Christ’s world there are no boundaries, no borders. It is always helpful to remember that under God’s grace, the first companions began this enterprise with only seven faithful men. Our time together tonight is a moment outside of time to appreciate who we are as individuals and as men united in fraternity under the standard of the Cross. As we move forward, united under this same standard, we do so with cherished memories of the insights and contributions of each other, and of many blessings of how each has contributed to and enriched our community. This is a threshold moment to behold the grandeur of God’s love that has been worked through us individually and collectively. 

So, we go forth, with open hearts, with open minds oriented toward fraternal love, simplicity, and joy that allow us to acknowledge, appreciate, and love each person, regardless of physical proximity, and to place trust in Christ’s enterprise. Together, we continue the mission entrusted to us to build dreams of the kingdom and to do our small part, and dreams are always built together. Through each other, we have a community that supports and helps us, in which we can help one another to keep looking ahead. By ourselves, we risk seeing mirages, illusions, things that are not there; together these dreams are built through our mutual support. 

To us and to the world, we become the ‘salt of the earth’ and the ‘light of the world’ as we keep saying yes to Christ. Wherever we may find ourselves, our “yesses” will keep us united in Christ, and to the unfolding possibilities that he desires for us.

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