Thursday, April 11, 2019

Prayer: Dag Hammarskjold

You who are over us,
You who are one of us,
You who are also within us,
May all see you – in my also.
May I prepare the way for you,
May I thank you for all that shall fall to my lot,
May I also not forget the needs of others.
Give me a pure heart - that I may see you,
A humble heart, that I may hear you,
A heart of love, that I may serve you,
A heart of faith, that I may abide in you.


  1. Why was this prayer: Dag Hammarskjold?
    I met him at U.C. Berkeley when I worked for Chancellor Clark Kerr
    in the 60's. Great man & leader.

    1. If you have better information, I will remove this attribution for him. The quote attributed to him was sent to me in an email. I should have verified it.
