Saturday, December 22, 2018

Poem: “The Handmaid” by Sister Maria Corona Crumbach, IHM

Is this the way it was –
The ageless salvation gift’s announcing
Sculpted in a moment of time?
Strangely different, touching, haunting,
Earthily commonplace, sublimely graced.

She stands – a humble toiler
Strong, queenly, poised.
Head turned, stilled with surprise
At the breath of angel voice.
Eyes and mouth resolute
Yet mellowed warm with winsome tenderness,
Budding breasts revealing her readiness for birth.

Cloak and girdled-gown, their wind-brushed flowing
Clasped in a hand that would let
No hindrance to the message,
Even here where she toils gathering wheat.
Feet firmly resting on God’s good earth
Yearning in wait for its savior.

A total, human women: “How can this be …?
A total, open servant: Be it done unto me …”

The wait is over and WORD becomes flesh.
This Yahweh-woman stands forever on wheat:
Totally His, handmaid and mother,
Yet, gift to His people, one of our own.

Source: Robert Morneau, Ashes to Easter: Lenten Meditations, pp, 9-10.

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