Monday, May 28, 2018

Film Recommendation: Pope Francis - Man of his Word

This weekend I had the good fortune to watch the film: Pope Francis – Man of his Word. I recommend for your personal viewing, but also as a catechetical aid to our young. I walked away feeling incredibly proud and inspired to be a Catholic and to have Pope Francis as our Shepherd in the models of St. Francis and St. Ignatius.

The film was produced at the invitation of the Vatican to show the Pope’s views about the many social issues affecting the world today. His ideas and his message are central to this documentary on his personal mission as the spiritual leader to the world’s people. It is a face-to-face narrative that creates a dialogue between him and the world. He takes his inspiration from St. Francis of Assisi and responds to a cross section of the world’s people including farmers and laborers, refugees, children and the elderly and infirm, prisoners, and those in ghettos and camps across the world. The Pope gives a touching, tender view of his mercy towards those who are in need and are at times defenseless.

He discusses environmental issues, his deep concern for the poor and his call for the influential to be responsible to the less fortunate. Other issues are: immigration laws, global economic imbalance, and the state of the family.  This is not a biography, but an encapsulation on the Catholic/Christian response to the world’s concerns. He confronts many issues head on declaring that the rich are killing the Earth with their global indifference.

So many important issues were portrayed that I felt overwhelmed by the weightiness of the problems and inadequate to respond well even though it left me feeling very hopeful and inspired. I guess my part is to encourage you to see the film, and if you can, show it to your families, parish, and friends in due time. The film is like a “grad ad grad” for a Christian, and it encapsulates the collective mission of the Christian Church.

I feel like I understand the Pope’s philosophy much better. I hope you like it too.

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