Sunday, June 12, 2016

Spirituality: It ends as it begins

We end the same we begin

Our prayer experience begins with a heightened awareness of our sensory world, for instance, a sunset the takes our breath away, the unceasing ebb and flow of the ocean, a gazing at the mysterious universe that hangs overhead that becomes visible at night away from the city lights. Our prayer ends the same way. We become aware once again of the marvel of God’s world through our senses, but his time we notice God as the author, origin, the primary cause of each event – and we notice how tirelessly God works for our benefit. How does one respond? We simply breathe and move deeper towards silence.

It is a fitting way to enter into our summertime when we can breathe once again because the pace has slowed. We can notice the activity of squirrels and skunks and hear the hoot of owls or pick up a conch at the seashore to listen to the ocean sounds that seem captured within its pearly glaze. Nothing more is required. We simply pay attention and we notice that God does the work around us. It is time for us to simply enjoy.

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