Sunday, October 25, 2015

We need more Magis please

We need more Magis please.

Earlier this week, some groups that participated in the Ignatian Evenings, deliberated over the meaning and uses of the word magis.  We have to make certain we do not advance a superficial use of the word to mean only “the more,” because that is incorrect. A thorough contemplation of the idea will help us get a maturing understanding. In the short term, think of it as a “deepening,” “a qualitative depth, especially in the relationship with Christ.”

In an environment like a high school, we can get hooked. We are gifted with many talents and abilities, we are in a primary helping profession, and we simply want to be good human beings of faith. People ask us to do things and we want to respond generously. Please respond to these requests when you schedule is in balance. It is very respectable not to always answer the call.

Make certain you give to yourself as often as you give to others. These days are filled with many activities and we find ourselves in a marathon. Take your time and pace yourself. Seldom consider that you have an open time slot in your schedule, but see that it is time that you have set aside for your work or rest. Do not consider it an available slot, but simply time reserved for you. Please do not give it away too quickly. We need you fresh and energized for the remainder of the year.

Blessed Sacrament

This term refers to the Eucharist as preeminent among the seven sacraments. It often more narrowly refers to the consecrated bread as it is reserved outside the celebration of the Eucharist.

Before the twelfth century, the sacred species was reserved privately to be administered to the sick in emergencies. During that century there was significant development of the doctrine of the Real Presence. Accompanying this development was the desire on the part of the faithful to see and worship Christ present in the sacrament.

The liturgical renewal following the Second Vatican Council emphasizes the Eucharist as an action. This has had a number of implications for the reservation of the Blessed Sacrament. The first of these is the stress that is placed on the primary and original reason for reserving the sacred species, that is, the administration of Communion to the sick and dying. Distribution of Communion outside of mass and adoration of Jesus Christ as really present under the appearance of bread are secondary reasons.

Another implication is that the relationship of the Blessed Sacrament to the action of the Mass is always to be made clear. For example, exposition should not occur during the celebration of Mass, and when it occurs after the Mass, the host should be one consecrated at that Mass.

Just Mercy

“As I left town, I watched the sunset and darkness descend across the county landscape as it has for centuries. People would be heading home now, some to very comfortable houses where they could relax easily, secure and proud of their community. Others, people like Darnell and Walter’s family, would be returning to less comfortable homes. They would not rest as easily, nor would there be much thought of community pride. For them the darkness brought a familiar unease, an uncertainty weighted with a wary, lingering fear as old as the settlement of the county itself; discomfort too longstanding and constant to merit discussion but too burdensome to ever forget. I drove away as quickly as I could.”

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