Sunday, September 21, 2014

Prayer: Augustine of Hippo

Lord, our God, we are in the shadow of your wings. Protect us and bear us up. You will care for us as if we were little children, even to our old age. When you are our strength, we are strong; but when we are our own strength, we are weak. Our good always lives in your presence, and we suffer when we turn our faces from you. We now return to you, O Lord, that we may never turn away again.


  1. Amen!! Thank you and have a blessed Sunday.

    1. You are welcome. How did the September 10th discussion go when you used Psalm 130 rephrased?

    2. I read the NKJV first and then your version and a good discussion ensued. Not everyone appreciated your forthright version as much as I do and I thought about that a great deal. First of all, we are in different places in our journey and have had different experiences but, I think more importantly, not everyone feels comfortable personalizing the Scriptures and prayers. I will encourage more of that in the Bible Study. It was a learning experience for me in helping me understand the women better. Thanks for asking - that is very kind of you to remember.

    3. Isn't that an interesting tidbit to learn about. Some would like the NKJV because they think God speaks that way and we should never change God's language. It is intriguing to learn the ways others hold Scripture in their imagination. Unless Scripture becomes our own, it becomes a barrier to prayer.
