Saturday, August 23, 2014

Prayer: Oscar Romero

Those who want to bear the mark of the Spirit and the fire with which Christ baptizes must take the risk of renouncing everything and seeking only God's reign and justice.


  1. And Oscar Romero did just that. It is interesting that you posted this on the day when the Gospel reading is Matthew 23:1-12 where Jesus tells the crowd to do whatever the Scribes and Pharisees teach for their teaching is good but then he adds not to do as they do for they "do not practice what they teach". Oscar Romero practised what he taught until it cost him his life - but only his earthly life. Thank you for posting these words of wisdom.

    1. That is a nice coincidence. You draw a beautiful conclusion to this. Romero's change of heart was striking. It takes a magnanimous person to do that.
