Friday, June 20, 2014

Spirituality: An Examen

Quieting myself, I become aware that I am in Your presence, O God.

I imagine You looking at me and me looking at You, loving me.

Loving God, open my eyes and ears to see where You have been with me
for these past two weeks.

As I reflect on this prayer experience, I realize that everything I have,
even myself, is a gift from You.

Let me allow You to bring to my awareness all that You want to show me.
For the times that were life-giving, I express my gratitude to You.

I am still learning to grow in Your love.
Forgive me for the times when I chose not to respond to Your invitations to love.

With gratitude to You, I ask for what I really want and need
as I move into the next phase of this prayer experience. Amen.


  1. Thank you so much for this. I like it very much. I will use it :-)

    1. Oh, I'm glad you find it useful. I like to vary my approaches with the Examen.

  2. Yes, I like this new approach. I especially like to meditate on God looking at me and me looking at God - both of us with loving eyes. How blessed we are to know that God loves us! Thank you for sharing this - like Claire, I will use it.

    1. Looking upon each other in a loving gaze. There's no better way to go through one's day.
