Thursday, June 12, 2014

Onward and Upward: New Assignment

Two years ago, my provincial (boss) asked me if I would consider a ministry in Jordan as pastor of the immigrant Catholics for a year or two. I said 'yes' as our obedience and availability calls us to do. The two year term is ending and I will be leaving Jordan for the U.S.A. on July 1st.

My heart is saddened to be leaving very many wonderful friends and parishioners who have made my heart feel very tender. These friends will be with me always in prayer. I'm also confident that God works in ways by which I will somehow meet some of you again in the future and that makes me very happy.

One of the unexpected blessings of my time in Amman is that one year ago today I picked up a paintbrush for the first time in my life. I was surprised and well pleased with the results of my painting. My new assignment begins with a six month sabbatical to take painting classes at the Massachusetts College of Art in Boston. I'm looking forward to these formal classes and the chance to study a new aspect of my ministry.

Music, art, writing, photography, liturgy, and beauty are essential parts of my ministry and I'm grateful for the Jesuits for giving me a brief window to enjoy these talents and avocations. Blessed be God forever!


  1. Oh, I feel sad for your congregation who will lose a wonderful shepherd. I feel also happy for you and your sabbatical. What wonderful news!
    Many blessings on the many friends you will be leaving and on the new life awaiting you!

    1. Thank you, Claire. I feel sad to leave them. You would not believe the number and depths of stories I've heard from them, which makes my heart expand. I want to get to know them better and better, but I'm delighted to be studying art and painting. It is a great opportunity for me.

    2. Oh no! I feel so guilty starting you to paint and now we lose you in Amman! I am returning next Monday night and look forward to hanging out much with you! I WAS SO LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THIS SUMMER! a loss for Amman, but I am sure you will enjoy much your art classes - you are indeed a gifted artist! I am glad you will have the chance to pursue your gift! I miss you already and I am not even in Jordan yet! In two short years you made many important transformations in our Amman parish that will last for years to come. You really built community and implemented gospel values in so many important ways! See you soon!

    3. I'm forever grateful for you, Jacqui. We will see you this summer and at times when you are back in the U.S. I'm conflicted about leaving Amman. I enjoy it here and yet I'm grateful for the opportunities that await. I pray and hope for many good things for the parish. I will miss everyone dearly.

  2. It will be a very sad time for those you are leaving behind. Through your ministry you have made a big difference in their lives. On the other hand, your sabbatical is a marvellous gift from our Lord. Blessings and prayers as you plan your move and new adventure.

    1. Fortunately, technology allows us to keep in touch because I'm going to miss so many good people here in Jordan. I know God is close to them. I will pray John 17 for them often. Yes, the sabbatical is quite a grace-filled gift.

  3. I have so enjoyed your posts and photographs, both the struggles and the joys of ministry in Jordan. May your sabbatical be filled with blessings. I myself am not the least bit indifferent and am filled with envy!

    1. Thanks for your honesty. I love it. You made a great comment.

  4. Relaxation can be a form of ministry. My prayers are with you.

    1. You are wise, Hazel. We do have to teach others to relax. To use an analogy, if you stuff a washing machine full of clothing, the clothes have no chance of getting clean. It needs space to toss around in the sea of suds.

  5. Sorry to see you going John, time flies so fast. Wish you all the best and you will be remembered dearly. Hope we will stay in touch and for sure will see you before leaving. 🌹❤️

    1. We will indeed stay in touch. My time in Jordan was far too brief, but in such a short time my heart has become engaged and Jordan has become my new home.

  6. Yay, you're coming home! Another life adventure begins...Boston...okay, then. I can get there...I look forward to your learning and your sharing...and seeing your face again.

    1. Thanks, Linda. I no longer know where home is. It is wherever I am, wherever God is, but a new adventure begins. God will unfold many new things for me, I'm sure.
