Saturday, April 12, 2014

Poem: Poem for Palm Sunday (Anonymous)

will I lay my cloak before you,
when they arrest you on olive mountain,
or pull it tighter around me,
fading into the ranks of the deserters;
will I shout
“Blessed is the one who comes
in the name of the Lord!”
when they parade you
before the authorities,
or will I tell any one – and every one – around me
I never met you in my life;
will I lay my palm branches at your feet,
as they march you to Calvary,
or use them to put more stripes
on your bloody back;
will I run behind you
when they carry you to the tomb,
or turn away
as the ashes of my hopes
are rubbed into the
wounds of my heart?


  1. John, thank you for this beautiful poem. I will share this at RCIA tomorrow evening.

    1. I assume that you wrote this so I can give proper credit?

    2. Lynda, I came across it on the web as anonymous. I've updated the field to properly credit it. Sorry about that.
