Friday, February 28, 2014

Poem: "Light" by Barbara Ryland

My pupils, well- dilated by the doctor,
Widen, huge black moons
Eclipsing the earth, drinking in sun.
Now everything gleams,
drenched with such shimmering white resplendence
even sunglasses cannot dim;
Piercing  white brilliance
Inflames the world,
Blinds simple sight.
Is this really the truth

At the heart of this dark earth?


  1. I find it inconvenient and uncomfortable when my pupils are dilated for an eye examination and here, Barbara Ryland uses this as an opportunity to reflect and give the world a gift of this magnificent poem. "Is this really the truth At the heart of this dark earth?" Beautiful and thought-provoking! Thank you.

    1. Barbara will be glad to know of your good words. It is a nice image.
