Sunday, December 15, 2013

Prayer: "Gaudete: by Brad Reynolds, S.J.

Because Christmas is almost here,
Because dancing fits so well with music,
Because inside baby clothes are miracles: Gaudete!
Because some people love you,
Because of chocolate,
Because pain does not last forever,
Because Santa Claus is coming: Gaudete!
Because of laughter,
Because there really are angels,
Because your fingers fit your hands,
Because forgiveness is yours for the asking,
Because of children,
Because of parents: Gaudete!
Because the blind see and the lame walk: Gaudete!
Because lepers are clean and the deaf hear: Gaudete!
Because the dead will live again,
Because there is good news for the poor: Gaudete!
Because of Christmas,
Because of Jesus,
You rejoice.