Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Spirituality: Mary of Jesus Crucified

On 13 November 1983, Pope John Paul II beatified Blessed Mary of Christ Crucified in the Vatican City. Blessed Mary of Christ Crucified was born as Mariam Bawardi in Ibillin in the Holy Land.

Born: 5 January, 1846 in Ibillin
Professed as a Carmelite Religious: 21 November 1871
Died: 26 August 1878 in Bethlehem
Beatified: 13 November 1983, Pope John Paul II beatified her in a solemn ceremony at Vatican City
Memorial Day: 26 August


  1. This post piqued my interest and I found a life story of an incredible young woman. Thank you.

    1. I'm still learning more about her. Many Arabs feel robbed that their many saints don't make the Roman Calendar.

    2. I can understand their feeling that way. We in the West need to be more open to the contributions that others in many parts of the world have made to the faith. It would also be good for the rest of us to learn about these saints. It is up to us to educate others. I look forward to hearing about more Arab saints in the future.

    3. I'll do what I can to promote some of these causes. It is great to encounter different ways of being faithful.
