Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Spirituality: Apostolic Discernment in Common

It goes without saying that the involvement of everyone in searching for the will of God seems more appropriate at a time when the complexity of situations renders more difficult the analysis of their various aspects. Thus, to the need for participation is added the necessity, for the analysis of complex situations, of having recourse to every inspiration, human and spiritual, which the members of a community can bring. On the other hand, if everyone has been involved in the preparation of apostolic decisions, everyone is in a position to appropriate better those decisions which are taken. In any case, it should be clear that, far from limiting the exercise of authority and willingness to obey, the practice of discernment in common does no more than prepare the decision to be made by a competent superior. It does this by offering him all the aids of light, reflection, and prayer which can help him arrive more expeditiously at the will of God "here and now."

Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, November 5, 1985

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