Saturday, October 5, 2013

Spirituality: Constitutions VIII

The chief bond to cement the union of the members among themselves and with their head is, on both sides, the love of God our Lord. For when the superior and the subjects are closely united to his divine and supreme goodness, they will very easily be united among themselves, through that same love which will descend from the divine goodness and spread to all other people, particularly in the body fo the Society.


  1. How beautifully expressed by St. Ignatius and how applicable to life in general in church life, in family life, in any organization - if we are truly united in our desire to follow the Lord and we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, then we can act in one accord. The challenge is to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and put our own desires aside.

    1. I always say that our model of authority must like like Christ's who was obedient to God because God loved him. If our superiors love us, we will love them back and be obedient.

    2. Yes, love is the key. When young priests and seminarians come to talk to me, my advice is always to love God and love your people. I know that you love both because we hear about the amazing fruit that you are bearing as your people love you in return. Blessings.

    3. Thank you for being there for the young priests and seminarians. I'm sure they appreciate your wise counsel and compassionate ear. Thanks for your contributions to our church.
