Thursday, June 6, 2013

Video: Hearing and Seeing Another Person's Life

A short video about empathy. How often do we pay attention to what is going on inside another person's thoughts and feelings? This video on hospital life gives us a glimpse into the unknown world of other people's stories.

Video on feeling and thinking with other people.


  1. I have seen this video before but it is worth seeing many times as a reminder of how we need to relate to others. The last sentence of the written commentary recaps everything: "In the end, it's about human connection." Is that not where Jesus' entire teaching leads us? Thank you for posting this.

    1. Yes, I saw it a while ago, but thought it was still evocative enough to post on this blog because it does make us realize that others exist and they carry monumental emotions inside of them. It makes us pause before we make judgments.
