Saturday, June 1, 2013

Prayer: Pope Benedict XVI

Jesus himself is the shepherd of Israel, the shepherd of humanity. And he takes injustice upon himself; he shoulders the destructive burden of guilt. He allows himself to be struck down. He takes up the cause of all who are struck down in the course of history. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep (John 10:11).... As the risen Lord, he is now in the fullest sense the shepherd who leads, through death, to the path of life


  1. This is a beautiful prayer. Just as Jesus is the good shepherd, we are called to look after the marginalized as well but we can only do this in the strength that Jesus gives us because he has first loved us. We are so blessed. Thank you for this prayer.

    1. All that we do is because of him. It is good for us to remember it is his ministry, not wholly ours.
