Monday, February 18, 2013

Question: Combine Blogs?

What do you think?

Shall I merge the two blogs I operate into one? On the Ignatian Spirituality blog, I posted daily prayers and homilies/Saints of the Week/This Day in Jesuit History. On the other, I write about my experiences in the Frontiers: Jordan and the Middle East. The two are distinct, but would it be wise for me just to post on one or keep them separate?


  1. Hmmm...up to you, John, but I can hear Margaret saying that the cool thing is you're a multi-faceted sort of guy,so why not just be that in one place on one blog?

    1. I am thinking that integration is always a good thing. Spirituality and life's events go together, huh? Why keep them separate. I did it at the beginning just as a place to store my photos, but eventually they make it from one blog to the next.

  2. I think it works as two blogs and it would work as one blog - whatever you feel led to do. I could certainly understand combining the blogs if you feel time is a concern because it must be double the work to have two blogs. So I would agree that it is up to you!

    1. Thanks. The time commitment is less of an option than integration. They have two different focuses, but would one enrich the other. That is my question.

  3. The combining the two of them, while their content is different, would make it easier to access what you have written and not miss one or the other (if by chance I don't look at them for a couple of days).

  4. It might be nice to at least distinguish them in some way, since the topics are so different. Or perhaps you could keep them separate and have some kind of link that could be clicked to toggle back and forth (Don't know if this is feasible using the present software.)?

    1. Thanks for the input. I don't think the software allows for them to be inter-related. I'll check into the possibilities.
