Sunday, February 17, 2013

Prayer: "Traditions of Spiritual Guidance"

Rahner asserts that to speak of the human is to speak of the divine and vice versa. He describes God as the mystery in human experience. For them, then, God is the depth dimension in experiences such as solitude, friendship, community, death, hope, and as such is the orientation toward the future. Rahner goes so far as to say that loneliness, disappointments, and the ingratitude of others can be graced moments because they open to the transcendent. The silence of God, the toughness of life, and the darkness of death can be graced events. This mystery of grace discloses itself as a forgiving nearness, a hidden closeness, our real home, a love which shares itself, something familiar which we can turn to from the alienation of our own empty and perilous lives. When we are in touch with ourselves authentically, we experience God.

Annice Callahahn, RSCJ, p. 341