Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Prayer: Madeleine Delbrel, "The Dance of Obedience"

Lord, come ask us to dance.
We're ready to dance this errand for you,
These accounts to do, this dinner to prepare, this vigil to keep
When we would prefer to sleep.
We're ready to dance for you the dance of work,
The dance of heat, and later the dance of cold.
If certain melodies are often played in the minor key, we won't tell you
That they're sad;
If others leave us a little breathless, we won't tell you
That they knock the wind out of us.
And if other people bump into us, we'll take it with a good laugh,
Knowing well that that's the sort of thing that happens when you're dancing.


  1. I love this image of dancing because our dancing partner is our Lord and God will be the leader. We need only to be held in God's arms and follow - not always easy but we know we are loved and we follow in the light of faith.
