Sunday, October 14, 2012

Prayer: Thomas Merton

It is not dutiful observance that keeps us from sin, but something far greater: it is love. And this love is not something that we develop by our own powers alone. It is a sublime gift of the divine mercy, and the fact that we live in the realization of this mercy and this gift is the greatest source of growth for our love and for our holiness.


  1. May this gift of love infuse the entire Church with a hunger that can only be satisfied with the Bread of Life.

    1. The people of God are truly hungry. Jesus Christ certainly nourishes them.

  2. How often, and in how many ways, must we be reminded that God does all the work through this mercy, and we simply respond? That is the real sin - thinking we can make ourselves holy and good, (why do you call me good?) when it is God's love alone.

    We must always be reminded, because that is our sin, yet God is ever present and always deeply in love with us it seems... calling us always in and through that love.

    1. Ah, the Gospel is alive in your mind, your heart, and your soul. It is all up to God, who is so good to us.

  3. I often ask: where would I be without you Jesus? I am so grateful for God's love and mercy which is so freely given.

    1. And yes, keep that personal relationship strong. I'm glad we all know him.
