Monday, April 30, 2012

Prayer: Coming Home

In this time of your life,
may you come to know what others have come to know.
In having to go where you have least wanted to fo,
and in choosing to do what is most difficult to do,
may you discover yourself becoming
and not just a different person but a better person.

Not just more seasoned, but more real.
Not just more knowledgeable, but more compassionate.
Not just more hearty, but more whole.

May your pilgrimage through your experience of loss
lead you to both renewed life and replenished hope.
May you come to rediscover what you've never really lost:
your truest and best self.
And may you arrive at the place where you first started -
that place which is still the same and yet very different -
and may you find that this is where you should be.

May you feel like you are coming home.


  1. Wow, thank you John, I love this. This is exactly what I am learning. My husband and I are celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary this month and we've decided to renew our vows, after an extremely challenging ten years together. I would love to use this prayer, would you mind at all?

    1. Happy 10th anniversary. I hope you enjoy the vow renewal. May your next 10 years be easier and filled with joyful memories. Please use the prayer. I'm happy that you do.

  2. Thanks so much John, will just be a small meaningful day for us but your prayer just about sums us up. Thanks again, have a good week.

  3. Small, well-planned meaningful days can be very memorable. I wish for you to have pleasant memories of your day that endure.
