Monday, March 5, 2012

Prayer: Beyond

We trust that beyond the hurting there may be forgiveness,
that beyond the silence there may be the word,
that beyond the word there may be understanding
that through the understanding there is love.

We trust that beyond absence there is a presence,
that beyond the pain there can be healing,
that beyond the brokenness there can be wholeness,
that beyond the anger there may be peace.

We share with you the agony of your grief.
The anguish of your heart finds echo in our own.
We know we cannot enter all you feel
nor bear with you the burden of your pain.

We can but offer what love does give;
the strength of caring,
the warmth of one who seeks to understand,
the silent storm-swept barrenness of so great a loss.

This we do in quiet ways,
that on your lonely path
you may not walk alone.


  1. Thank you for this Fr. John, it's really beautiful. Kell

  2. Thanks, Kell. I'm glad you like it. I find it helpful for personal reflection.
