Monday, September 26, 2011

Question: Angels

Do you believe in angels? I do, but I really only think about them from September (their feast days) through the feast of Christ the King in November. Yes, we read about them in the Nativity story and a few other places in the Gospels, the apocalyptic Book of Revelation, and the Epistles, but the Psalms and the Old Testament have abundant references to them. The question is, "What do we think about the angels?"

We have many cute images of angels, but Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael don't fit that image. Jesus had ideas about angels. I bet his conception is different from our Hallmark- inspired images.

What are your images of angels?


  1. Gabriel the Announcer, Raphael the Healer, and Michael the Protector... I need everyone of them. Also, I have a grandson named Gabriel, so I need Gabriel doubly.

  2. My oldest sibling, Dawn Mari, who suffered from mental retardation, was born on October 2nd - the feast of the Guardian Angels. The angels have been prominent to me as I prayed for her during her life and afterwards.
