Sunday, May 8, 2011

Song: "If you Wait for Me" by Tracy Chapman

"If you wait for me" by Tracy Chapman reminds me of the love song that God sings to us. God is always waiting for us to respond. God waits for us. Steadfast. It reminds me that God misses us and yearns to be ever closer to us. God vows to come to us if we simply wait for God. It can be played by clicking the link below:

"If you wait for me" on Youtube.


  1. Beautiful suggestion of how this connects to God's love for us. Also very helpful to me in mourning the loss of a loved one.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I'm glad to know you enjoy this song. I find it tender and gentle. For me, God always acts in those small gentle ways.

    I'm sorry for the loss of your loved one. May this song give you hope in your time of loss. Grief is an under-appreciated and under-rated emotion. Grief has no pattern to it.


