Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mothers Day Prayer

Mothers Day

Blessings upon all mothers on this day set aside in their honor. May the Lord bless you abundantly for the good you have given your children and their friends. You have given us life and you have also given us reasons to find hope and joy in life. Thank you for the nurturing care and the compassionate guidance you provided us to set us on a good course in life.

Thank you for those who have been our biological mothers. Thank you also for our aunts, grandmothers, and sisters and all those who have been mothers to us in some capacity that has made our hearts and souls open up to life and to grow in surprising ways. We honor those women who would like to have been mothers and are not able to do so and we honor those women who would like to have been married and remain single. We thank you all for the tremendous influence you have upon us. Our prayer is that God will generously spoil you with great goodness today and always. Amen.


  1. Very considerate to add the part honoring those who hope to be mothers and are not yet, and those who wish to be married and mothers, and remain single. This is regrettably the first mother's day that I have held these people in my heart too, and not just soaked up the honor myself.

  2. Colleen, I've heard from many women over the years who feel left out on this day. It hurts them. Some have asked me to include them in my prayers or homilies at Mass. I've been trying to honor them year after year. Motherhood is an honor and privilege, and many people have been mothers to others in non-biological ways. It is also a day for grandmothers and aunts. Our relationships are sometimes quite complex.

    I hope you enjoyed your special day!
