Sunday, February 27, 2011

Prayer: How Fair is Thy Face, from "Four Psalms" by Edvard Grieg

How fair is thy face,
Yea fair, yea, fair;
Thou Son of God, Thou Prince of Grace!
O Thou my Shulamite, sweet and kind,
Yea kind, yea king,
All that I have is also Thine.

My friend, Thou art mine.
Yea mine, yea mine;
For evermore let me be Thin.
Thou canst me save, canst me save.
Yea save, yea save,
Both here on earth and 'yond the grave.

Remember my plight,
Yea plight, yea plight;
Around me hostile swords flash bright,
Fly hither, Dove of Grace, Dove of Grace,
Apace, apace!
Among the rocks are peace and space.

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