Daily Email

Monday, July 9, 2012

Prayer: Joseph A Tetlow, Choosing Christ in the World

Eternal Lord of all things,
I feel Your gaze on me.
I sense that your mother stands near, watching,
and that with you are all the great being of heaven –
angels and powers and martyrs and saints.

Lord, Jesus, I think you have put a desire in me.
If you will help me, please,
I would like to make my offering:

I want it to be my desire, and my choice,
provided that you want it, too,
to live my life as you lives yours.

I know that you lived as an insignificant person
in a little, despised town;
I know that you rarely tasted luxury and never,
And that you resolutely refused to accept power.
I know that you suffered rejection by leaders,
abandonment by friends, and failure.

I know. I can hardly bear the thought of it all.
But is seems a toweringly wonderful thing
that you might call me to follow you and stand
with you.
I will labor with you to bring God’s reign,
if you will give me the gift to do it. Amen

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